Did anyone else see this on the news tonight? https://www.itv.com/news/2018-11-05...p-burn-grenfell-tower-model-at-bonfire-party/ What goes on in some people's heads?
Yeah it's beyond belief WHAT sort of low life does this? Police are after them but what can they charge them for?
Being racist. Calling the 'veiled' paper character (obviously a muslim woman) a ninja. I hope their house burns down with their mummies and daddies trapped inside.
Well i hope they find themselves homeless and have to eat out of dustbins for the rest of their lives.
Theyll soon be baying for blood when the Daily Mail publishes their usual bullshite about 'muslamic foreiginers burnin ar poppis' on remembrance day. Makes me f*cking puke.
Behavior likely to cause a breach of the peace for a start I'd have thought. There must be other offenses - could you use outraging public decency. Lowest of the low whatever they are charged with if they are tracked down
Burning poppies should be condemned, just like burning the effigy of the tower. Both are disgusting acts carried out by morons.
I know. My point is that the Mail makes up half of it just to rile us all up. Its all sick. Its proper wound me up.
There isn't a crime, it's just extremely bad taste. It's no different to the sick jokes people have always told after tragedies. The difference now is technology has enabled this to get a much wider audience. If someone had done this in 1988, no-one else would have known about it.
So you have strong anti Mail opinions when you don't actually read it but believe people that do . Mmmmm , how strange . Before you ask I read whatever is available in pubs etc . My weekly newspapers are my local paper , YP on a Saturday and of course the Chronicle for the footy dearest to my heart .
The media on the whole doesn’t report anywhere near enough of the ‘muslamic’ burning of poppies, bibles etc