And Donald Trump gained a bachelor of science degree in economics and he's thicker than all of them put together. Having a degree in history does NOT mean one suddenly becomes a competent politician
I managed someone a good while back who graduated from Oxford with Honours. She thought when you faxed something, the paper travelled down the line. Thick, or not thick. You decide.
I don’t especially like but in fairness did you get a first in your degree from Oxford or Cambridge if not you aren’t even her intellectual equal. So if she’s ‘ thick’ what does that make you.
McVey got an MSC with distinction at Liverpool. Raab got a Law degree at Oxford before a Masters at Cambridge. Diane Abbott got a Desmond at Cambridge. All of which proves that having a degree is no guarantee of sense.
I haven't got a degree no, but my eldest son went on to gain a law degree, same gene pool, Diane Abbott chose to go to university, I didn't, such are the paths we choose. And as for me not being her intellectual equal, that's correct, I'm a lot brighter
Nor does it mean she is. But what my quote does, I would proffer, is that the local population are somewhat satisfied with her performance. Can you quote any MP of any party with similar results?
The ones who flat out refuse to answer questions put to them and think that it's acceptable to do so. Case in point, the absolute ****** who was interviewed by Toby Foster this week about the tree removal programme in Sheffield. Utter *****
Degrees don’t always translate into real life intelligence .I’ve worked with a lot of graduates who were Academically and ideologically sound. Put them into action and they were real liabilities
In my mind its actually seems quite a skill, and I am sure they must have training on how to not answer a question. It leaves me nearly as angry with the interviewer for not pushing the point until they either answer the bloody question or look ridiculous trying not to. They generally try a couple of times and then give up and move on to the next question that wont get answered.
To be fair, none of them are as thick as me as I have to work 60+ hours a week, every week, to keep a roof over my kids heads with a minuscule chance of retiring at the end of it. This is oppose to the conveyor belt of clones spending their careers bending to the will of people they can gain financial benefit from during and after their careers. In the meantime they collect massive expenses, do their jobs badly but just get moved to another one and collect perks galore on thine and my backs. There’s only one numpty in this comparison and I brushed my teeth looking at him earlier.
Got a degree from oxford or Cambridge? Struggle to get s job anywhere else? Join the old boys Cambridge oxford and Harrow club (The Government) , and get fantastic wages and perks,. Despite being inept in everything except being able to not tell the truth... I would have been intelligent enough to step down after the election debacle...
And how are you evaluating that putting racism and sexism to one side for a moment as they are unreliable barometers. Do you have a better job? Did you fight against all odds to achieve something. Have you been voted by your peers the best at your job in the country?
Presumably you apply the same rule of thumb for Hammond and his much worse and more frequent errors or Raab and his high profile idiocy of yesterday.
Barnsley east had Tom Watsons bird parachuted in and had a slight increase. Blatent bit of nepotism(?) into a safe seat given that a year in most of us wouldnt know her if she crossed paths with you in the street. Its very suggestive that people vote for the party and what they claim to represent rather than the actual candidate. Its also a good arguement that the the secure nature of a constituency be it red blue whatever limits any potential gov. Windfalls Why would the Tories throw money at barnsley when theyll never elect a Tory and visa versa.
I understand that if an MP is proved to have lied to Parliament they are required to resign immediately.
Well they've not been in power for the best part of a decade. Still, on the basis of choosing one that does least harm, they're probably a safer bet
That would be Lewis Dagnall. The interview starts after about 5 minutes. Prepare to lose the will to live.