We end up having another general election? I firmly believe that Labour would still lose under Corbyn and Tories probably regain a majority so no longer having a need for the DUP. So that would be the end of Corbyn, in effect he is going to be the master of his own downfall. As for the Tories, who would lead them into an election, May couldn't possibly continue.
No overall control, and some sort of bodged coalition. That's fine cos it's worked so well up to now.
No substance, just as much substance as you believing Labour could win an election. I don't think they have the numbers.. Just watch Tories will get back in probably under some leader who hasn't been at the forefront of the party before... This has been coming all along.. Tories can't agree between themselves a line on brexit so we end up with half in half out cop out.. Labour very much the same with some bizzare idea that they can remain in the customs union and single market whilst still being able to negotiate trade deals around the world.. Fantasy... Either cut ties and negotiate a full free trade agreement or stay in the EU and pay the consequences later.
The population largely remains either thick or selfish (or both) so the Tories would undoubtedly win again.
So the latest YouGov poll (early Nov) showing the Tories with a 4 point lead over Labour is not substance or evidence, but merely prejudicial poppycock?
You do also realise YouGov is run and funded by a Tory though don’t you? I can’t believe for the life of me that anyone would vote to keep the Tories in power after the last 8 years or so. Stupidly called a referendum on a subject in binary terms, when the reality couldn’t be achieved. Called a general election and got in bed with the DUP. Found out to lie about pretty much every subject since they got in power. Created austerity which caused heartache and issues for lower income families. Caused suffering to millions of people on disability benefits. Created an even bigger divide in terms of the rich and poor in society. Became anything other than strong and stable. Abolished the department of energy and climate change and initiated fracking. Capped the earnings of some of our special people in our public sectors like nursing, police, armed forces and fire departments leading to almost anarchy in inner city Britain. Continuing to sell arms to Saudi. Continue to give tax cuts to the rich whilst cutting back on public services that we all need. Underfunding the NHS to breaking point. Offered a state visit to Donald Trump. The list is ******* endless. I’m not telling anyone to vote labour, I’m telling people to vote for any other centre ground party out there and get these charlatans out for the benefit of everyone.
It's a staggering list of failure and tory ideology under the guise of "sorting" the banking crisis. Swallowed hook line and sinker. But despite that long, non-exhaustive list... there are two factors. Firstly, why would the tories voluntarily offer up a GE if they don't have to unless they believed they could generate a majority? And secondly, don't underestimate the massive volume of people who live in wealthier privileged areas, middle classed with old money in the suburbs and rural Britain who see migration as the number one issue in their lives, despite rarely seeing a migrant within 10 miles of their rural idyll.
All that's got nowt to do with me mate. Anyone who marches under the banner of any of our political parties is in my opinion misguided. If however your point is to agree with Marlon that there is no substance or evidence that the Tories might well get back in, then good luck with that. You might not like it, but it might well happen. And the polls provide evidence for it.
I’m suggesting polls are generally nonsense, there’s only one kind of poll that’s fairly representative and that’s an election or a legally effective referendum. What I’m suggesting is that there’s people out there that floating vote, which there’s got to be or the same party would win every time. The list I put together is a snap shot of what’s going off across the nation. It’s remiss to suggest that just because someone lives in a nice house in leafy Berkshire that they don’t care about others. I think the tide is turning against this government and people are seeing them for what they are, I could say I told you so as I’ve been banging the drum since austerity began. This government are turning the country into ****, dangerously so. People have died and are continuing to die on the back of what this government is doing.
Wasn’t it the last labour government the put us into austerity through spending money we did,nt have under conservatives at least thing are looking up