Didn't the Tories have a 24% lead prior to last year's election though? Might make it a bit closer than it seems?
No it wasn’t! Global financial crisis caused by greedy bankers playing fast & loose with other people’s money! The tories chose “austerity” as a clear policy to meet their own political ends rather than “in the national interest” - tax breaks for the most well off when millions forced into poverty (not to mention the disgraceful treatment of disabled people). In the last 8 years, they have pitted people against each other - Young v old, “British v Johnny Foreigner , working people v “benefit scrounges” (despite so many working people being in receipt of benefits cos of poor wages). Our country has become more vicious & divided than at any time in my lifetime (excepting the miners strike where Thatcher divided & ruled) At 64, I despair
I'm predicting nowt. I merely presented a little snippet of the evidence that Marlon denied the existence of.
Here’s the rub though, the daily fail shitrag print it often enough it becomes the truth in someone’s head. Totally bonkers
No. But enough propaganda exists from the likes of the daily mail to explain why some folk believe that particular piece of bullshi.t In what way is anything at all ‘looking up’? Christ on a bike I doubt many in the frigging government itself would try and claim that! Wow. There is the reason why a general election and even probably a further referendum would in effect be an expensive waste of time.
If Corbyn and Labour can rediscover that momentum (no pun intended) that was building around the last election, and re-engage with young voters to the degree that they actually get out and vote, then they'll go close.
what really boils my p*ss is the fact that many people say its a waste of time voting . Politicians are all the same ,they don't care about us and are only in it for what they can get to make themselves wealthy etc , Well say what you like about Corbyn ,look at his expences claims , he is one of us and doesn't cow tow to the establishment , this is why they are running scared and making up all sorts of ***** scare stories about him , or vilifying him for wearing the Wrong Coat or POPPY , none of the news media showed him when he stayed behind after the centotaph ceremony . not attending the slap up freebie lunch , but he took time out to applaud all those vets and ordinary people marching at horse guards parade , and people believe these scare stories , when the actual ,scare story is what this despicable government has done to ordinary people , the elderly . the sick the dis advantaged and our NHS .they have divided our country where we are now at each others throats, Go and look at the UN report on austerity and poverty within the UK , we ought to be ashamed of ourselves ..
In our household we all had a policy of looking at each party and try to decide which one would do the least damage. Trouble with that policy now is it is hard to decide. If the UK is a crumbling old tenement block,, we are looking at one lot setting the explosive charges, another lot surrounding the building with cranes with wrecking balls, whilst the third lot are standing round with hard hats and clipboards telling everyone that they would do it all differently without actually stating how! Depending on your political allegiance you can decide which are which.
That isn't exactly true. He owns a house in London worth £700k, which is fairly average for central London. Everything else in the tabloid papers is based on his income as an MP & as leader of the opposition & his pension projections. You could level the same thing at nearly every MP that lives in the south east.
This is quite rich coming from someone who lives in the most currupt country in the EU. What someone’s net worth is, is actually not relevant, not that the figure quoted is correct anyway. One thing people can’t label about Corbyn is that he doesn’t care about the working class people or people less off than others. Check his voting record, check the things he has fought for Since being an MP, including unjust wars, workers rights and austerity etc.