I see it more as ‘you can’t bring something that expensive to school’. No matter how much you could tell parents it is at their own risk, they’d still expect the school to pay if it got damaged or lost. It’s the same reason why the kids can’t bring expensive toys in on toy day. It’s not saying the parents can’t buy their kids expensive toys, just that they can’t bring them to school. Same thing with the coats. A problem with making them wear something with a badge is it sets a minimum cost. Schools and school shops charge a fortune for official school clothes, there’d be no more cheap Primark or charity shop coats for those who can’t afford anything else.
They may also be thinking of their safety. Thieving ******** may mug them for a coat like that. It is a complicated thing. I'm all for personal freedom & expression, but when at school I believe that imposing rules that are fair is part of growing up. When you are an adult or you are outside school you can rebel if you want. I did.
The voice of someone who knows what they are talking about. I don't personally approve of Primark though due to them employing third world kids to make clothes. My imaginary children would be wearing charity shop chic.
a bit ridiculous, seriously. So what happens when some young thug decides to nick the said coat. All hell would let loose. The only thing ridiculous is parents who buy there spoiled brats this kit.... nowt wrong wi coits from Netto IMHO. I'll get mi Coit..... its Armani BTW.
Haha the £700 is not the issue nor is the £1200 for the one I like, it's the fact that there's plenty of people walking round in the copied ones
I agree with the ban but i dont think its really been thought through. Banning three specific brands wont, imo really achieve anything. All that will happen in the long run is that they'll choose different expensive brands to show how rich they are. Would have been better to just set a maximum value for any clothing taken to school. £100 would be fair
I thought that this was the objective of School uniform... which seems to have been totally undermined these days. When I went to Ecclesfield Grammar school there was a dress code, and parents were sent a list of approved clothing. Why can it not be so nowadays.... I see the school kids these days and I think that its extreme to say the least , and especially so the girls.
Were coats included in school uniform back then though? When I was in school everyone had different coats and bags. Different but nobody had anything ridiculously expensive that i remember. But everything else was uniform, white shirt, plain black trousers, optional black jumper with school logo on and school tie. White socks and plain black trainers or shoes (dont recall anyone taking the piss with that either). Not sure why people i see now seem to be wearing anything but uniform
How many of these people who would never in a million years buy there children such expensive coats or clothes are sending there kids off to school with iphones costing 1000 + pound / 2000 + contracts ? which they will drop inside two weeks or put down and forget about them i don't see that many kids rocking Nokia 3330's i believe the french have banned use of mobile phone in school hours and are told not to bring them or have to be turned off. why that law hasn't been brought in here is hard to fathom.
but personally my parents were not that flush. They were given dispensation to get my school uniform from the Army and Navy store.... I felt a proper **** turning up dressed as a Japanese Admiral.
Bottom line... if the coat is lost, stolen, damaged etc. Parents will be in complaining to the school. Many schools ban coats with logos. This is nothing new.
Most schools do have a list of acceptable uniform. Students always try to push the boundaries. But now parents do too.
Seems like a right rip-of, clothes are really cheap these days, my winter parka cost £20 and it's decent quality.