That’s kinda my point, The country is heading up **** creek without a paddle and they’ll be a concerted effort to shepherd us down the look what he might or might not have argument in order to detract from the seriousness of our predicament.
a member of my family is almost totally deaf , she relies a lot on lip reading and has helped me learn a bit too. Corbyn 10000000000000% said Stupid Woman. He is the reason that Labour cannot progress.
Yeah alright. Who says Labour cannot progress. FFS the antics and serious fekin ramblings of Bungling Boris pale anything Corbyn might or might not have said into significance
What's wrong with: "Whatever I may or may not have said was said as an aside to those around me. It was not a formal response nor is it something I expect to see recorded in Hansard. As such, I am happy to ignore the politically-motivated criticisms from those on the opposition benches and I totally reject what they suggest I said." I'm no fan of Corbyn but this is an opportunist witch-hunt, pure and simple.
Well me and thee are just minions , nobody's really . Just sit back and relax cos we can't do **** all about it now . like someone once said , if they thought voting would make a difference they wouldn't give it to the general public .
Well what i've heard from just about every Tory M.P. In the last week is everything that's gone wrong with Brexit is Corbin's fault and now this he's called May a stupid woman acording to Tory M.P.'s in the house, at first I thought he did , but after watching the vidio's did he f*** he said PEOPLE, it's now got to the point were being politically correct as gone to the hights of "suppidaty "
I know, It’s just annoying when you know that minor,whatever this is, is going to be used to try and help puta littlemask on the current debacle of Brexit and other stuff.
I'm sure he thought "Stupid Woman", he may even have mouthed it, but if nobody heard it he didn't say it. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Or summat.
I hadn't heard about the story so clicked the link and watched the video without any context and without knowing he was claiming to say person but my initial reaction was ''huh? Isn't he saying stupid person?' That doesn't mean anything of course but it is what I thought he said
Or if you fart in an empty room...………….? Actually, the problem with that one is that people can come into rooms suddenly and unexpectedly!
And yet some experts state he said people. It's clearly open to debate. Which makes the continued media coverage even more ridiculous in my opinion.
The biggest thing I've taken away from this is that in one of the most turbulent times for this country in recent history, when families are having their money stretched to the limit and people are in fear for their jobs and their future. Rather than focusing on making the most of this sorry mess she is instead rehearsing a comedy speech whereby she hopes to get a few cheap laughs at other people's expenses and acts like a primary school child who doesn't know how to behave themselves. If that is the person running our country then **** me we are in trouble. It's about time that MPs were forced to act like!e adults in parliament and anyone caught whooping, hollering, jeering or generally being deliberately disruptive were fined from their wages. In fact no, if they want to act like school children then treat them like it. Make them stay behind and do lines. ******* pathetic the lot of them.