What is it with the BBC (in Particular) and ITV, that their journalists can't pronounce "Brexit". It is a simple enough word, but these overpaid journalists prounce it "bregsit".
Yes you are right...they are pronouncing it "Bregsit" when it should be pronounced "complete disaster for our country and economy to look after the few who will make a fortune on the back of it"
It's not just me that has picked up on this. If your job is to speak for a living you need to be getting this right
Ah.. the subtle changing of words can be very effective... Natsi... Changed to Nazi to hide its *Nat*ional *S*oc*i*alist truth and. roots... Wonder why..
In the WW2 documentary films Churchill also often said nazi not natzi but then again he used to wave two fingers the wrong way round as well so it was probably just him getting it wrong.
Nearly as bad as when they say droaring instead of drawing. Oh and the urban lingo use of arks instead of ask.
Do not get me going on "shtraight, shtriker, shtorm, shtrong" etc. REALLY DOES MY FECKIN HEAD IN !!!!!!!!!
Also withdrawral...there's no "r" after the w ..its withdrawal ( I've heard BBC announcers say this), we also seem to have adopted the American habit of being brought not taken …"My parents would bring me to the fair" no your parents took you to the fair, its a past tense. and Jesus save us from the letter Zee...……..
I agree. Like how the media simply refers to "North Korea" to paint it as an oppressive dictatorship. If they used the full name it would reveal the truth - that it is in fact a democratic people's republic.