My pet hate is when people who are paid to speak can't say 'th' and say 'f' instead. Proper boils my piss. On the chase, when 'the beast' Mark Labbett is on - a seriously intelligent man, but it makes my skin itch when he is making his offers and he loudly says "Firty fousand pounds'
Just wondered why one speech impediment annoys you so much but another is something you wouldn't dream of mocking.
I can’t see any mocking of speech impediments in this post. Perhaps saying f not th can be considered as deliberate mispronunciation. It’s certainly spread in recent years as has pronouncing the letter H as haitch whereas stammering hasn’t but that’s the English language for you. Always changing, evolving with trends from time to time. If it didn’t we’d all be still talking like Shakespeare
Give over - saying 'f' instead of 'th' is hardly a speech impediment. Its more an acquired way of speaking, more like an accent. Its more common than not in London. Do they all have speech impediments? Its like saying speaking with a scouse accent is a speech impediment.
1) I accept that in a very small minority of cases f for th may be an impediment but the majority do it deliberately, it’s their choice 2) how is ‘it boils his piss and makes his skin itch’ mocking them? Criticism maybe but mocking?
My pet hate is 'Estuary English' i.e. the seeming inability (inabilieee to pronouncing the 't' e.g.Compuerr… even my articulate daughter does that!! Grrr.