Every morning do you say the same when you see another newspaper ??? Things change. This one is a poll about the honesty of Paul Heckingbottom - as some on here are accusing him of NOT telling the truth. Apologise if a poll has already been posted.
I believe him BUT..... Before new owners and GG came in, he complained about having too much on his plate. Having to recruit players, coach team, negotiations, etc. fair enough. GG comes in and takes over recruitment. Hecky says he has final say over transfers with players provided by GG and recruitment team. This is what he wanted so he could focus on coaching team- his specialty. Signs for Leeds- rattles on about how they have a massive recruitment team and he can just focus on coaching. Fair enough. So why is he now whinging that he didn’t have a say in players when all along that was his main complaint of Barnsley as he had too much on his plate? Can’t have it both ways
I'm with Jamo. Needs an "option C" for generally telling the truth, but possibly with a few porkys thrown in to paint himself as the wronged hero...
Total crybaby for me. Contradicting himself and blaming others for his shortcomings here. Think every Reds fan wanted him to stay and do well here for obvious reasons. But he's nothing more than a bitter moaner to me. He'll regain my respect when he finally takes a look in the mirror, takes responsibility, works his socks off and gets at least one team playing good football, and keeps the past in the past.
I don’t think he’s completely wrong with what he says. However. He’s twisting it massively to make himself the good guy. I don’t believe for a second that he didn’t know what it was going to be like before he took the job.
I don’t care enough - he might or might not be accurate - he’ll tell it from his perspective- remember, eyewitnesses can be unreliable cos 2 people can see the exact same thing very differently. He’s not going to say he was poor, making back decisions & playing people out of position. One thing I will accept is that players were sold in that January that undercut him - still not sure why he was then allowed to keep Marley Watkins.
On average only 1/ 3 believing that Hecky is telling the truth. A real insight in how CYNICAL many people are on this message board. Which could easily be a reflection on the life’s that people have had.
I suspect most is the truth, but dressed up. It's history. You gave us some great times Paul, but equally an absolutely terrible run of form, the only positive, is that you took that form to Leeds ;-) We have moved on as a club Time for you to Paul otherwise your reputation will be tarnished further.
It could also be a reflection on how bad the poll options are, you know. Hecky is telling his own version of "truth", which of course isn't outright lies, but most likely isn't the absolute truth either.
Isn't it more an insight into the fact that he has previously contradicted this claim? If I asked someone the time and they said 1pm and then said actually it's 7am, no really it's half 9 at night I wouldn't be a cynic to think he was a bullshitter, it would be the common sense way to deal with the person