Festive greetings to you all Be glad to see the back of this horrible self inflicted mess of a year Get some money spent Mr Lee if you have any ambitions of success for our club Still lumbered with some camels holding us back Let's have sum exciting thoroughbreds instead of run of the mill nags
Crikey... It's not been that bad for BFC... It could have been a whole lot worse!! I may be in the minority here... But I think championship is where we belong, and we'll get there. Might not be this year, but not be long till we are back HOME. Do I want to see us in the premier League, YES, of course. Do I actually want it..... Really... All I can say is... HATE football.. LOVE Barnsley.
Anus Horrablis - Sounds painful, especially as all the chemists are now shut for a few days. Could make sitting down for the old Xmas dinner rather painful, especially if its a multi course affair.
A whole lot worse? We were relegated ffs How much worse could it be? Stendel is a decent manager but needs some backing, instead of the rug ripped from under his feet like happend wi Hecky They want Bruce Lee out at Nice I wonder why? Needs to reveal his true intentions to the fans dos Mr Lee
Watching Tarn last season was like trying to expel a torpedo out of the rectum after a good old Vindaloo Plenty of anusol and a few Jack Daniel were required on many occasions
Taking the whole year together I agree it hasn't been the best. My anus has been problematic too though. Excessive amounts of craft beer have been largely to blame.
I tried googling haemorrhoid cream and it gave me a link to someone who tried it on their eyes...... Peoples' capacity to stagger me never fails to surprise.
How has it been a bad year? First five months? Definitely. Last 5 months have seen some lovely football, big victories and we've largely been in the top 6, also the best start to a season in 40 years at one point. Yeah, we'd all like it to be in the championship, but we can't just turn things on and off like a tap. Football's not like that.