I have tried to be objective and disregarded a conspiracy theory. The best I can come up with is this: When we play teams who have been in this league their players seem to get the rub. I think it is simply because they know what the officials are like in this league. By definition they are most likely going to be third tier officials. I have noticed it is possible to "buy" a foul than in the championship. If, every time we lost the ball, the relevant player threw himself theatrically to the floor, chances are 25% of the time he'd get an undeserved free kick. It's not all one way either, another ref might have straight red carded Pinnock in the first half, let's face it: this guy wasn't card shy was he??
It obviously doesn't, the Refs are just not very good at spotting it. The Linesmen should take take more responsibility. You only see possibly once or twice a game a Linesman flag for a foul. Not good enough on their part
You must have been same as the coaching team, all tarn players and all tarn fans thinking that they would give us 1 free kick for handball... silly you... they are allowed to handball it.. it’s us that aren’t. Tut.. god... thought ya would know that!
Sad that we now expect to have dodgy referees every game these days. Before it used to anger me on the odd occasion a ref ruined a match (Trevor Kettle anyone?). Then it turned into "i hope its not the *insert todays ref* show today. And now you pay £20 for the football match *plus* a fiver for the clown-with-a-whistle show.
First half ref seemed better than most we have had recently. Second half he went insane with cards & silly decisions.
I think it's the same bloke that turns up every week. False name and different wig, same low standards.
In League One, I think the refereeing is just generally garbage but in the Championship refs just don’t like giving us decisions because we’re not a big club
Different wig?? My memory/eyesight must be playing tricks on me, most seem to be bald (Don't wish to be baldist - just my observation) LOL
The bloke today is normally a Championship ref, as is John Brooks the guy we've got on Tuesday. He's even more card happy so don't expect a great deal of improvement.
How on earth any Barnsley fan can moan about the ref today is beyond me. Take off the blinkers, look at Pinnock & Pinillos’ challenges, look at our first goal & the ball going out of play, look at the time wasting Adam Davies got away with, Woodrow running away with the ball whilst already on a yellow. Mowatt blatantly tripped someone after about half hour, as clear a foul as you see & there’s people jumping out of there seats screaming abuse at the ref just after he’s not sent Pinnock off & not blown for the ball going out of play for our first goal & I’m in disbelief thinking how can you be so biased to not be able see blatant fouls? We played brilliantly today, one of the best performances of the season but we got very fortunate with decisions just like Boxing Day with Dougall.
I have watched the video over and over again, the Woodrow kept the ball on the line, at no point did it go over the line. If so why didn't any Charlton player argue otherwise ?
Speaking in general we have seen more poor ref performances this season than good. I’m convinced refs at this level intentionally don’t see certain incidents. No one can tell me they missed the Peterborough goalie picking ball up outside the area. My pet hate is when they give decisions they clearly can see yet it’s clear and obvious there was non foul. Also the inconsistency at this level is ridiculously bad.
Y I’m guessing that you're assuming that the moans at referees by Barnsley fans are purely because he isn’t giving Barnsley decisions in our favour. For me the refs have been poor at their job, quite often for both sides. You’re own post I would say agreees with that. So as a Barnsley fan, and I’m sure fans of Charlton, Peterborough et al have a similar view
Exactly Neil, i don’t think a referee is biased one way or another it’s just the general standard that irks me
In general I think they’ve pretty generous to us, we’ve had a few dodgy offside calls in our favour & Dougall on Boxing Day & us getting away with a couple yesterday. No doubt there’s been a couple the other way as well that’s just life. The referee yesterday lacked bottle. 3 times players were running through one on one with goal & were taken out. All 3 were outside of the box so it’s a clear red as there’s no double jeopardy rule unless it’s in the area. He bottled all 3 (Pinnock, Pinillos & the lad who tripped Brown) & only gave yellows. It’s just getting boring reading Reds fans whinging about refs & hearing it at games. I went to Accrington & Zeki Fryers clattered through the back of someone whilst on a yellow & clearly deserved to be sent off & theres Barnsley fans screaming abuse at the ref & linesman & Accrington player. It’s getting daft. Yesterday, 5 mins after Pinnock somehow avoided a red card there’s fans around me screaming at the ref saying he’s biased towards Charlton. I don’t know if it’s booze or they’re just too biased to watch the game properly.
Biggest lie in football: poor refereeing decisions even out over a season. No they don't They don't even out over a lifetime. Barnsley, over my lifetime, are in serious deficit. We're owed millions. I believe, although I can't prove it, that this is due to us consistently playing at a level that many think is above us. We consistently out perform what many outsiders believe to be the size and prestige of the club and town. And there is an uncocious bias in favour of the bigger club. This season, things are demonstrably going our way. For once we're getting the decisions. Despite what has been said in this thread I don't see anyone up in arms when we're on the good end of these questionable decisions. Ever.