What's worse, if they support Wednesday or Leeds and actually go. Or the ones who support Liverpool and Man Utd and just watch sky sports?
I have a few good friends who support other teams & were brought up in the town. I feel a bit sorry for them, as there is nothing like following your home town club through ups & downs. Being an armchair Man Utd fan is not about living the dream / nightmare, it is prawn sandwiches.
Was saying similar to a Liverpool fan at work. He hasn't been to watch them in the last 10 years. I don't think I could get the same enjoyment just watching on tv all the time. I would feel connected to it.
Armchair fans of premier league clubs who have no link whatsoever to the club they 'support' are the worst. Glory hunters.
I am actually a Liverpool fan but due to costs and travel I don’t go I been going to oakwell since January 2001 when my father in law dragged me along I love going but don’t get to every match
Wednesday and Leeds fans for me. Lived in Barnsley all their lives and then sing about Barnsley as a town full of inbreds. Then get proper triggered when you remind them about the British Fritzl... backwards.
Long long time ago, I was asked by a Scots colleague of my father, who I supported. We were living in Walton Wakefield and was, at the age of 6, somewhat taken aback by his question. I replied that I didn't know. He said that you should support the town of your birth, and that he supported Patrick Thistle, as he'd been born in Patrick and as a result he supported the Jags. From that day Barnsley has been my team. I pestered my Father to take me to Oakwell, and eventually he relented, and at the age of 7 saw my team beat QPR 7 - 0. I thought I was watching world beaters, only to be brought down to earth by subsequent results.
Liverpool fan at work, crowing about "we're gonna win the league", never been to the city of Liverpool, nevermind Anfield, never seen them even play an away match. "Might have to go down to Liverpool when we win it" Its up mate.
Wow. Been coming to matches for 18 years, posts on the Barnsley FC forum, has the Toby Tyke badge as a profile photo - and still says he supports the premier league club
He said he's a 'fan', he's allowed to enjoy watching them on tv and want them to do well. I used to say I was a fan of snooker when I was younger (especially Ronnie O'Sullivan) and could trot off all sorts of facts but I've only ever been to 1 or 2 matches in real life. I used to be a fan of Boxing too but again, it was only on tv. Being a supporter and being a fan of something is different in my eyes.
Don’t know how you can have a connection with a team you only watch on the tele. Especially if you don’t even live in the city they’re based.
You can be a fan of whichever team you like in my eyes, as long as you support your local club. If you like football enough to be a fan of Liverpool, United etc then there's no excuse to not go along to your local club and offer your support.
always wonder if you don't support home town what national team do they support in world cup etc your home country?
Down here in pompey you see loads of cars with the weeds badge on the rear windows of cars, yes there might be few exiled supporters ( Royal Navy for example) but i doubt many have been further north than Winchester