all day long, found myself singing it out loud too, best song we’ve had for a while did we nick it from the dippers or Celtic ?
Been doing the same today...with the theme song from PJ Masks my daughters current favourite programme
We was singing this at home to Charlton. We were also singing a song to this tune at Accrington which I thought it was the same, but it was the new lyrics.. the 1 we sang at Accrington was ‘20 yards or 30 yards everywhere we go, 40 yards or 50 yards Moore will score a goal, Moore will score a goooaaall
Good song. It's this season's 'in' tune for new football chants, there's always one or two each season (everywhere we go, sloop John B, that Luis Suarez/Glasgow Celtic song etc). The first time I was aware of it was Wednesday fans singing about Adam Reach, they then claimed Leeds stole it for their midfielder Klich and it's spread everywhere since. Good song but will doubtless become over sang by half the league soon!
Speaking of chants, where did the Pottsy on the wing one come from? I like that the 'we'll win the league...' bit is more melodic than our usual stuff and then the 442 packs a punch following it.
Myself and 1 of the lads started singing this in garrison last season.. but it was the opposite way round as it was a pisstake cos pottsy wasn’t doing too well on wing at the time. So from then he’s come on loads and it’s now been changed to a more positive song. Up the reds