P.Ridsdale. can I speak to GG. GG.Whats up Peter PR I 'd like to offer 500k for Brad Potts GG sorry no where near enough. A few hours later PR we'd like to increase our offer to 750k GG sorry still no way near A few hours later PR we'd like to increase our offer to 1million GG.sorry not enough but we'll register your interest.At this stage GG informs the manager and recruitment team of the offer and what replacements are available. GG to Peter your offer is still no where near we'll except nothing less than 2 million PR.Ok our final bid is 2 million GG i'll let the board know and get back in touch with you. The recruitment team and Stendal identify player "A" who they believe to be first team ready and potential to improve even further. GG. contacts player "A" club.We'd like to offer 500k for said player Other club sorry that's not enough. The club decide to offer a final bid of a million pounds,the bid is excepted. GG.Hi Peter we'll except your offer for Brad Potts. Welcome to the merry go round that is football transfers.
All well and good if the last couple of lines are actually true. we will know soon enough if we actually bring in a signing in the next few days - preferably a winger
Sorry for my spelling error I've got man flu.At least I can say my spelling as been tagged by Einstein.
Alhough this is how transfer deals are usually carried out, didn't it say the PNE had met the contractual release clause? So in that case, the individual(s)responsible for the transfer dealings may just be playing catch up a little on this occasion...
I had noticed that too and thought I was missing something with all the comments about wanting wingers
We need a replacement for Potts....one who is ready and not one who takes 6 months to bed in etc. We are going for promotion...let's get professional....if we are going to sell then let's have the replacement in now....I'm glad it's the cup this week tbh.....as the way I see it we are an integral member of our squad down and he needs replacing.......straight away.....not oh we have another 3 week s etc. ..no now.
You are right, of course. But If it is to be believed that the release clause was activated, then we don't know exactly how much notice we were given regarding the move. For all we know, the club could have only found out about the proposed move a day or so ago, so they are on the back foot with finding a replacement.
According to club statements from ages ago identifying players is a continuous cycle . We are aware and monitoring players continuously .
No, I understand that and would assume it is the case for every club. What I was meaning, is more the fact that if the club knew Potts was leaving in, lets say November, they would have had over 8 weeks to work on the deal to bring in the replacement. If they only found out on Tuesday or Wednesday, they are starting from a cold start on the replacements deal.
If they are continuously monitoring players then they will have identified (if they deem we need a replacement that is ) player/s to replace before saying yes imo
Dont have one. Just going off what facts I do have and past experience. Potts has left and no ones been announced to replace him. The original post is how a proper football club is run, we dont operate like that we snatch off the hand of the first offer then scramble in the dark for a replacement.