You do realise that contract negotiations here involve multiple parties? The idea of contract negotiations is to meet mutual agreement. Im not being sarcastic here but your posts reads as if you think that there is only one side calling the shots.
I hear there are Aliens landing on the metronome car park as we speak. Can anyone verify this and give answers to why they are attacking our town?
I know what you mean. But they all went for the chance of winning something and more money I.e progress. My point was, that regardless of league and stature (with very few exceptions) there’ll always be players who will move for better team/money/location. If teams like Arsenal have to put up with players being tempted by better offers, then we do too. It’s only the reverse of what we have being doing to teams below us.
The idea that there was a release clause in Potts’ contract for around £1.5m must be absolute cobblers! For an employer to sign a player to a Championship club (us) for £1m, to put in a release clause for £1.5m would be idiotic in the extreme; particular if his former employer (Blackpool) had a sell on arrangement. Makes no sense at all therefore unlikely to be true. If it were true, whoever negotiated it needs to go on a ‘How to negotiate ‘ course, or just go.
Accepted. I have no quarrel whatsoever with Mr Ganaye. The guy must have some highly respected qualities as the owners chased and took their time to get him. I’m not sure what his role was in chasing Hecky out of the club. But yer right - I don’t know, but we can only assume Mr Ganaye is carrying out the sole wishes of the owners. Which in itself raises a few questions. These owners do NOT live at Dodworth or Cudworth or any other place in the Barnsley District. I’m sincerely sorry that they don’t live here. They should - because this is England and I’m sure they would feel the benefits of living here rather than American. Although I can’t say the same for India - because as people know that’s my spiritual home. But they don’t - so who is providing them with information of what is happening at the club ????????????????????????????
[Having listened to the article I think you have to remember these questions were done through an interpreter and his Answers could be construed in different ways for example: Not my decision - could mean he did not want him to go but could mean Potts asked, clause was met or GG did behind back. Ask GG - could be as simple as a respectful German choosing to deflect by not wanting to give an answer as not wanting to say the right or wrong thing after being out in the spot. I don’t know either way what he meant but wanted to offer an alternative as the OP clearly wants it to be about GG.
These Jonny Foreigners - you can never know when they are telling the truth. But as a British person, we generally have the utmost respect and admiration for our German cousins.
There are two possibilities here: 1) Potts was sold without reference to the head coach. 2) Daniel Stendel is lying. Having regard to the instantaneous (and some would say innocent) response Daniel made to the RS reporter, I tend to believe Daniel. If we are still selling players without reference to the head coach, then Hecky's grievances were valid and they still persist vis a vis the current incumbent of the head coach's position. This also raises questions about whether our organisational aim is really to achieve promotion to a higher league, or whether some other (presumably financial) objective takes precedence. The questions about the new owners' motives remain unanswered.
Big difference between NEED to know and WANT to know as there is a big difference between NEED to tell and WANT to tell
I am a CUSTOMER of bfc, like we all are, not shareholders or board members but customers we buy their product,tomorrow i'm going shopping to asda where I will also be a customer do you think they'll let me know whos on what money and about their contracts even if I ask nicely and don't throw an fit and start ranting about how being a customer I've the rights to know about the employees: even if they don't stock the stuff I like ( referring to selling players and hovis best of both thick and grapefruit marmalade) BFC has got where it is today through change, change of personnel, change of strategies, and changes in the way the business is run, so why oh why cant the same 2-3 posters just give it a rest with always trying to find a snide way of having a dig at the club after all you can always ******* and shop at morrisons
Didn't take long did it (YOU ARE SO PRODICTABLE NUDGE THAT'S WHY YOU ARE BORING) I warned you GG to get your hard hat ready!
So you think supporting a football club is as casual as what supermarket you chose to shop at. I don’t.