Probably seems an unusual post to introduce myself but a mate told me about this site. I'm not into social media but had a look around. In the main posts are interesting but there is a disgusting and abhorrent undertone of abuse on this site not some thing I can put up with. I suppose I expected a site where you could mainly discuss things related to BFC performances, matches, managers transfers i suppose like meeting mates at the pub having a few pints but despite the forum rules i see there is a clique on here who can bully, harass Threaten , use the like button as a means fuelling abuse, some driven by an obsessive jealousy/hatred of particular posters which disgusts me. Good threads turned into bullying by a minority.
There are times when discussion on here becomes robust and a little opinionated but I don't recall seeing bullying on here. There are also some posts when reasoned debate becomes impossible but they are easy to spot and can just be avoided.
You've left the digital footprint behind. Threads are there to be reopened and discussed until closed. So you're not a forum bully then?
But these sorts of posts are easily to ignore and not read . Not sure why people keep coming on and entering clearly headlined threads and complain that it’s not about what they want to talk about it just baffles me tbh . There’s hundreds of non football threads with obvious headlines of their content and if it doesn’t interest me or whatever I don’t even open them . Honestly it’s like people put themselves through reading a thread just to complain .
If that's a suggestion that ST is a bully you're well out of line. I might argue with him til I'm blue in the face but he's never tried to bully me or anyone else to my knowledge.
So you have decided to sign up to a forum that you don't like just to bring back a post so you can accuse ST of bullying?
Why whenever threads are created on here about mental health problems people either hijack it to further an agenda or make light of or make tastleless jokes about suicide?
In the last two years there have been 4 suicides among my daughters acquaintances all under 21. I'm not sure talking about it helps enough. Mental health services are stretched to bursting and one girl despite a suicide attempt was told there was a mimimum 6 month wait for counselling. Luckily she seems OK now.
This is true, but it's also true that depression can make you shy away from your normal activities. It can make you dread the things you normally enjoy doing. One of the tips you get for beating depression is not to stop doing those things and try and lead as normal a life as possible, but it's easier said than done.