Certain posters that have been very quiet in recent weeks are suddenly very vocal off the back of a couple of online rumours.. Couldn’t be that they.... no, surely not.
One those so called rumours turned out to be true though. I'm all for people posting this info no matter how off putting as long as there is some substance.
These rumours are turning out to be true. Pinnock will be sold. Ganaye gone in February, I’m all for positivity but aren’t we sick and tired of it every single year?
Seeing as the person who informed the bbs about Winklers likely departure also shared that Brentford had bid for Pinnock, I'd say that increases the likely accuracy of a bid having being made.
Just because you bury your head in the sand or blind fold yourself and stick fingers in your ears going mmmmm doesn't mean something isn't going to happen.