Pretty much all Premier League and Championship teams use statistical analysis to highlight players. It's been common for years. @Gally might remember the facts better than me but at one point a lot fo the teams were using the same system/company, so Arsenal bought that company and forced the other teams to go a different route. James Cryne worked on the system that we use and Patrick was in talks with interested parties to sell the algorithm overseas. A very powerful tool and only helps us identify players - we still use traditional methods as well.
Lies, damned lies and statistics. Dealing with them every day I know this all too well So yeah, the devil is in the detail
Won't have been anyone in a pub because it's rare I venture into one. Can't remember who mentioned it.
What we need is to find a goalie who has 20 assists a season but no ones twigged it - and someone who scores 35 goals a season but is really cheap because he's ugly and scores all his goals with his backside in a comedy norman wisdom stylee. That's my interpretation of moneyball anyway.
Im not sure he’s been all that involved to date but Conway said he’d be more involved after the end of next month as his current role ends then
No they didn't. They had a similar season to ours in 2015/16, in that they were doing poorly and then went on a 20 match winning streak to win their division (American League West). They then contested the American League Play Offs with the American League East and American League Central winners. They lost those Play offs. If they had won they would have represented the American League v the National League winner in the World Series.
As others have said, Billy will likely extend his expertise to the statistical analysis side of the club, which James Cryne is central to. Statistics are becoming increasingly useful in all professional sport. You may have seen those daily fantasy sport games advertised, where a genius with excel and an algorithm is able to make hundreds of thousands. As Bielsa showed at Leeds the other day, the analysis going on is beyond the comprehension of the average fan, and having somebody with a proven track record of success in the field will pay dividends.