Is there a email address or anything like that? Have a couple of season ticket holders near by who bring alcohol up to the seat every game and spend the whole match shouting often racist and abusive things.
Happened to me a couple of years ago, some appalling language and loutish behaviour from some 40 to 50 year old "fans" I phoned the club and complained, they put me through to the box office where they gave me new season passes away from the idiots. I gave them the seat numbers of the morons but nothing was ever done, hence I always smile ironically at the announcement that racist and abusive language will not be tolerated at Oakwell. Oh yes it will!!
That was my worry, I have no intention of moving and to be honest they are far enough away that I can ignore it and still enjoy the game. I just feel it should be reported to the club as what they are doing is a criminal offence.
My instant thoughts when reading this was that this is very worrying, however I would like to think their rationale may be as follows?: - Can't immediately kick people out on strength of one report, may be malicious. - Give said fans a warning. - Move you in case of any reprisals if they suspect you're the one who has reported it (as you may have challenged them yourself prior to reporting, making it obvious?) - If receive any further reports they get banned. Could this be possible or am I being too generous to BFC?
I personally think, report them, Make the club aware. Then you've done your bit. If you can get on and just enjoy the game then that's great, no one should be moved seats because of idiots, but I think they'll always be people like this in football and life. If the club don't do anything, or can't do anything, they will at some point get caught being racist or bringing alcohol . I always take a flask of tea... And I've had to pour some out on a couple of occasions to prove its not alcohol!
Thought there was a no smoking policy too .its like walking passed a giant ash tray every game going into Ponte
It's getting to be a joke.... We always end up with a load of young lads crammed into our row since they stopped them sitting at the back.... They knocked my mates little lad over yesterday climbing over seats trying to get into seats they haven't booked then when challenged and asked to move you just get a load of abuse. The stewards are stood at the bottom and can see it but do nothing.
All over the ground stewards don't even move along fans towards the end of the match who start to leave then stand blocking views in gangways to keep watching the match, so they aren't going to move gobby folk. Our stewards are pretty poor.
I won't be popular for saying this but for some reason football attracts a different mentality. Been watching rugby league for years and the atmosphere and fan experience is much better.
There were a group of youths sat behind me who were boozing and also shouting racist stuff at Thiam. I turned round gave em what for and they shut up. Gangway One that was.
It really is a joke... They have blocked the top corner off and now others have to suffer the idiots in different parts of the stand. Its dangerous the amount crammed into the 5 or so seats jumping about someone is going to get squashed. One of them knocked my little lad over last season pushing and shoving and smirked which didn't go down well. I don't see why others enjoyment should be affected by these ignorant idiots and it's time the stewards did something about it. Move them to the seat they have booked or throw them out I'm not bothered which but something needs doing.
Of course. Why don't you try and sneak a video of them whilst in full flow and get it plastered all over social media?
Not really crossed my mind. I'd have to have the camera ready for any potential mistake by Caravre or Thiam, who are the regular targets, seems to be a combination of skin colour and them daring not be English. I have challenged people at away games but I admit at home I don't want the grief. Maybe It is go to me to say something as nothing else is in place to stop it.