Am I right I thinking that only those at the ground ever saw his goal, there was no TV coverage at all?
Although I was there anyway I don’t think I can ever remember seeing any tv footage since. Remember Aggy’s goal being a terrific turn and strike from outside the area. Think the other goal was a Gordon Owen penalty. Would love to see the footage if any exists.
If tha ever wants to get shut giz a shart I'd gi em a lovely new home. Or failing that i could scan em for thi.
Spot on. In Calendars previews for the next round (Liverpool ) they used black & white pictures to "show" action from the Saints game!
I've tried belive me. It's one of our greatest ever victories and its almost lost in the passages of time.
My memory could be playing tricks but was it Steve Moran who scored for them in the first half then a Gordon Owen penalty, then Aggy scored?
I’m not that sure but I think you could be right. Seem to remember that all the goals came in the first half? Could be wrong though, it’s a long time ago!!
I seem to remember when we sold him to Blackburn they bundled him into a laundry basket and shoved him back into our dressing room saying we could have him back.
Yep, I was there that night, day after was the end of the year-long Miners Strike. Nicky Law looked liked he’d done 10 rounds with a heavyweight boxer after his encounters with Joe Jordan, but like the rest of the team,he had a great game. Funniest part was at the end of the game Saints fans ran on the pitch and started throwing coins at us, we just stood their and collected the coins and shouted for more. Think they expected us to run away or summert.