Oh my GOD !!!!!!! If we get to midnight and no first team players have been sold - then the OWNERS HAVE DONE A FANTASTIC JOB And I for one will be absolutely delighted with that.
Well I think it's a fair guess Winkler played a important role and has something to offer hence Stendal bringing him here and Huddersfield wanting him. Moncur has already scored a very important goal for Luton and if he was good enough to be coming on almost every game for us then clearly he will strengthen Luton. We may think he isn't good enough to get in our team but he's now a option for Luton not us. Same could be true of Isgrove if he can stay/get fit. We have sent him to a direct rival, imagine Pompey beat us to second by one point and all Isgrove does is score one goal to win them a game. I have no problem with us moving either player on but where we have let them go is baffling to me. We are still a striker short and have lost Potts. Now we might be ok in the long run and go up automatically but regardless it's hardly been a good month on the transfer front. We are weaker on and off the pitch.
If we throw promotion away . his window is to blame. Once again signing players from nobody’s again to cover our better players. No ambition what so ever. Yes, it’s worked out for some players from the lower leagues but I remember the likes of mighty kern miller etc... I’m one of the hacked off ones. It’s never exciting to be a red in a transfer window but for the other teams it’s different...
Moore, Lindsay, Pinnock, Cavare, Jackson all staying fantastic news. New contract for Mowatt. Released one or two fringe players. Decent money for Potts and space in the team for Brown to show what he can do. Sykes involved in the first team for rest of season. Couple of promising youngsters coming in. Shame about the background disruptions but not a lot we could do about that. Sure Stendel will be very happy man! Onwards and hopefully upwards for the final 3 / 4 months of the season!
Not sure if that was directed at me but if it was you can disagree with me without being a Dick. I don’t mind.
I assumed me. Either way, he’s come to a football message board. I would have thought opinions were fairly fundamental to its existence.
Coming on almost every game for us really??? Stendel much preferred bahre that was obvious I was screaming for him to give George a go. We strengthened Luton more by selling them Pearson and lee and we didn't know it at the time. As for isgrove how many games has he played since the play off final he is mostly injured.
Wanted peoples thoughts on whether this has been a good transfer window? On one hand we have haven’t signed anyone of note and the first team squad has been weakened. On the other hand we have managed to retain our best 4/5 players which ultimately could be the difference in whether we go up or not. Is it a sign of the times recently that I’m quite happy with how things have gone? Should I expect more from BFC or just be content that it’s not Jan 2017 again?
21 league appearances in 26/27 games (not sure how many we had played when he left) So I'd call that almost every game, you are right he didn't come on in all those he started some of them too. I'm one of Moncurs biggest critics but I wouldn't have risked sending him to Luton. Bahre has appeared 12 times including at least once after Moncur had left so if he prefers him that seems odd. Isgrove has played about 20 games I think last time I looked. I said he would have to stay/get fit. But I'm not really worried about how many game she has played in the last 2 and half years but the ones he might play in the next 6 months.
Fairly poor, we appear to be taking the approach the squad we have is good enough to go up. Which it really should be so time will tell.
An excellent window, one of the best in recent memory, provided nothing else happens. We've got a great squad, arguably (in the words of several opposition managers) the best in the division, we're in great form, we've got a great chance of automatic promotion, we've got great support, we're playing entertaining football. I'm really struggling to find something to moan about, I'm loving this season.
I don't agree that by selling players that are not good enough to be a regular in our first eleven is strengthening a rivals squad. Even if he scores you don't know if the player who would have played had he not been signed maybe would have scored two. Next match maybe he plays and they don't do as well as they would have had he not played......it's hard to judge. The one thing we do know is that he wasn't good enough to get into our first eleven so if he gets into another team's then maybe they don't have the quality we have. By selling such a player we actually end up diluting a rivals team......."the dilution theory" by me innit