While I agree with your sentiment, I'm perfectly calm and not threatening to meet people face to face If that sort of thing is addressed to me (or you) I think we're allowed to respond however we see fit.
Are you a plod in real life, Plobby old boy? Very commendable barricade-between -the- warring-factions- approach. Liberal wing of the Tory party perhaps. One of those hard to find types who fancies Nicky Morgan?
I'd agree if he hadn't referenced me in the post. Tell you what pal. You lads crack on with continually criticising everything the club does, but don't expect people not to disagree with you. Top and bottom is we've signed a player, and it doesn't meet with your expectations. It's just a signing. Of course I WOULD LOVE IT if we signed 3 or 4 quality players, but if we don't, it won't spoil my life. How is that putting down other fans?
Who's been attacked? It's not a matter of buying into anything really. It's more a matter of having an open mind rather than just knocking everything the club does. There are people on here, that rarely have anything good to say. Always looking for an angle to criticise.
So it's okay for people to reply to him As if he is a dick on here, but if he asks the poster to say it to his face he is in the wrong... orite then
I don't particularly want to discuss anything with you. I find you extremely patronising to anyone who shows any concern at all about decisions made by the club. Not people that slag the club off, but genuine opinions from fair minded people. This site has become, as conan describes it, best fan top trumps, and anyone who posts an opinion to the contrary is made to feel uncomfortable even if they give their whole hearted support to the club. I dare say you don't care for me either, which makes me wonder why you want to talk to me. I will say this, I would really suggest you don't approach me showing aggression. I wouldn't dream of approaching you in such a manner but I will defend myself if you do it to me.
That’s correct he ended a one in four marksmen for us but to be fair he looked a good gamble and worth more than a punt and we made a profit . Before when we’ve bought such players and they fail they generally go for nowt so things looking up imo , Remember getting Kevin Gallon in and he hardly scored but was prolific almost everywhere he’d been . I thought it was a right coup st the time gerrin him in
We already have Moore and Woodrow scoring goals for fun and we don't always play both of them. Are you suggesting someone of equal quality is going to sign to come and sit on the bench every week?
We obviously see something in the lad. At £200k rumoured price it is probably worth a punt. We have a lot of attacking options. I can't really criticise recent signings & decisions, apart from Morais appointment, but that was followed by DS, who I think is one of the best footballing brains we've had as manager in my time. As long as we don't lose key players I'm happy. Most of our rivals have done.
You absolute pair of pricks . You both support us but , because of a few disagreements you want a scrap . Feyt , feyt x
Just look at the state of you lot. “I’ll see you soon mate” “not if I see you first mate” You’re both good contributors to the board who post some top drawer stuff but this little episode that’s happening is an embarrassing look.
I don't think you ought to be citing Conan in support of anything tbh. Just trying to help your defence!
I think pissed off is the wrong word. We have a limited budget. We also have limited options in certain positions. I don't know anything about this kid we've signed, but looking at his stats he seems like exactly the kind of player we go for. He looks alright. He may turn out to be a good player he may not. This season he would have been behind Moore and Woodrow. But he'd only have been one behind. If there was an injury or suspension to one of them he'd have been next up. If both were unavailable he would have been leading the line. But he's unavailable. We've spent our budget on someone we can't play. In a season we're hoping to be promoted. After selling a first team regular, a player who played a lot of matches to one promotion rival and a player who has done well at this level previously to another promotion rival. It's not pissed off, it's being unable to fathom the logic.
No, I think the player we've signed would definitely be behind those two. But if they're injured I'd like us to have a back up but we've signed someone who is unavailable