Hilarious watching ken Livingstone getting dry loved on his defence of Venezualas government. Also includes Esther McVey??
No one can defend that regime but the Venezuelans have to sort it out themselves . Donald Trump has installed a puppet , no one knows his background and there is also many many people in the country that despise him . I don’t know what the solution is but it’s not trumps way by s ling way . We get treated to television which shows this opposition to be cheers by the people and the president mocked . This is pure propaganda by our media and it’s editing . We gonna incite a civil war in that country the British govt must resist Trumps intervention it is populism. There are many opposition parties to the current govt in Venezuela and Trump had picked one , wonder why that is . There is a very similar situation in Zimbabwe which comes on the news now and again . No one intervenes because there is no oil .The Venezuela crisis is bad but there are as many pro govt as anti . Trump with the aid of a well drilled media are taking advantage of the situation with not a care for the people there . The people voted for this govt the media would have us believe that he is entirely on his own and keeping himself in power this is not the case and we need to leave well alone . If we intervene then other countries will be fearful as The media can with editing make any situation as they see fit. Trump can exploit any small country that’s having problems . The Saudis were welcomed to our Country with open Arms . They are bombing and starving Women and Children in Yemen , they have murdered a refugee in a foreign country they are sponsoring Islamic Terror groups they repress their own people with medieval rules and use barbaric public executions and torture it’s a disgrace . Livingstone is a fool he was stool pigeoned to do exactly what Neil and the media wanted him to do which was defend the indefensible and Further the western alliance propaganda ready to dupe the people that intervention bh them is the right thing .
Livingstone is so naive for such a mature person that has been involved in politics as long as he has. However, I do believe the programme was set-up to try and show that Socialism is the main culprit for Venezuelan problems and that it has failed. The BBC is fekin awful politically at the moment. Tory plants on various political shows parading as ordinary members of the public. A very poor host on QT.
Good summary. Just because someone believes in democracy and worker's rights, they're not automatically a raving commie and an anti-Semite. Middle ground exists. I might be speaking more for other people than Red Ken though, he's said some pretty indefensible stuff in his time.
I like how people champion and defend the Welfare state and the NHS (rightly so of course) which are of course Socialist conceptions, yet, they abhor Socialism.