I’ve seen them given in past but thought no pen, I was more worried when no foul was given when ball kicked out of Davies hands until I realised he didn’t have both on it
Maybe I'm a bit muddled but thought pinnock cleared it. Either way, pretty sure pinnock kicked the ball and hit Hammill following through. No?
As others have said, I thought Pinnock caught him unintentionally after clearing the ball. No foul in my opinion, but I thought Adam was genuinely injured. However, I was surprised that the ref allowed play to go on. I can only assume he was allowing Mowatt to get his shot away before the sun went in.
I thought pinnock cleared it and hammill nipped in and got caught on the follow through. Have to watch it again.
That's how it looked to me, although I did think he nearly kicked his leg off....albeit accidentally.
How come the physio came running on when the ball was still in play? Adam seemed to get up pretty sharpish when they scored, but I almost missed it cis I was watching his antics!
Stonewall pen for me. Pinnock had no idea Hammill was there and was waaaaay too slow. Hammill pressed him and Pinnock took him out. Sad to see him stay down but still a stonewall pen for me . #opinions
Are there any rules on stopping the play, other than head injuries? I would imagine if it was somebody who could've impacted the play if it carried on, such as a defender, then it might have been stopped.. But as he was playing up top, the play wasn't impacted when we were moving the ball forward so made no difference.
The rule is simply that of the ref feels it's a serious injury he stops play otherwise carries on (such as when bahre went down a few weeks ago) it doesn't matter if it's a striker or defender its just a question of whether the ref thinks the player needs treatment quickly or not
Bit odd with the Highlights editing. Now seen Sky ones, showed an offside effort of theirs but not our offside "goal" and didnt show the penalty shout by Hammill. I sit in West lower and a good view of the latter. Pinnick kicked the ball but in doing so kicked the side of Adam's calf - which I imagine would hurt. However, as Pinnock got the ball, I think no pen.
Not in a million years. As I have already said this morning, watch it in slow motion. Pinnock clearing the ball. Hammill over-acting.
You need to improve your posting technique. You can convert any opinion to a fact by appending the word "Fact!" to it, and/or including the word "definite". If you use the first technique, don't forget the exclamation mark, otherwise it won't work. In extreme situations you can also use CAPITAL letters. For example, "It was a definite penalty. FACT!"