Just wondering how many old faces have completely vanished at Oakwell. Been going since 1999 and sat in ponte end majority of the time. Even young lads my age as a kid I never see them any more and saw them for 10 years plus... how many people noticed it? Also love seeing the new faces and young lads growing up following us home and away...could quite easily follow sheff wed or even the usual teams Man Utd Liverpool etc
Used to sit next a lad in ponty. Sadly passed away recently. Makes you realise going to a football match isnt just about going to see a football match.
I've not been a regular since 2004. Had a season ticket in the Ponty for nine seasons before that. I still reappear from time to time when geography allows it!
Taken from the official site: Built in 1995, The South Stand is traditionally known as the 'Pontefract Road End' or 'Ponty End'.
I sit in the West stand and the usual faces are there year after year . That was until this year when we had an intruder from the East . Now he used to famous on the bbs. I know who he is, but he doesn't know that I know who he is, but I do .
Well in my world it's the Ponty end . When I go to Donny I don't got Donne'. When I go to Wakefield I don't go to Wake' When I go to Skegness I don't go to Skege' When I go to Scunthorpe I don't go to Scune' Its bloody Ponty
Half of those don’t fit anyway it’s not called Skeg e ness or Don e caster . It’s in the eye of the beholder but I’ll ignore you if you say ponty