I'd say its more a case of stay classy Cardiff. Dreadful accident, but a contract is a contract. You can't expect Nantes to waive the fee.
Timing is clearly insensitive, to put it lightly, but Cardiff really should have made the first payment if, as suggested, it is due. While there is no blame to attach, he wouldn't have been on the plane had the transfer not been completed.
It's a terrible tragedy and the timing of this may be hard to stomach however he was no longer a Nantes player
I would expect Cardiff to have insured the player as part of their signing process so there should be no complaints on their part in having to pay the fee.
Sky Sports News are the lowest of the low. "Its our understanding that both clubs didn't want this to come out in the open but now it is, we're going to hear a lot more about it". Aye, it's out in the open because of you set of parasites.
It's a minefield regarding insuring individuals there are so many personal caveats to cover . They might have had a blanket insurance that covers most things including injury that results in the player retiring etc , but how would you insure against, 'a player dies whilst employed by Cardiff City FC' ? bloody tragedy but he was a Cardiff player therefore they will probably have to pay up .
Of course they owe the money, but making a demand while his body is (possibly) still on the plane at the bottom of the ocean seems a little crass.
Also isn't thier some doubt about whether or not the pilot should have been carrying a passenger or not, if so wouldn't the insurers be all over this?
There are a load of matters where both parties don't want the truth to come out, yet it is in the public interest that it does. The journalists' job is to seek out news like this. They didn't create the tension between the two clubs. Even on this thread it has created a debate about the rights and wrongs of the situation. Which is the whole point of information being available.
It's all about the wording "we demand payment in 10 day's or else" does not sit well with me - "we would like to respectfully remind you of your contractual obligation at this very sad time" sounds far better.
Not getting the money or paying money for a player you never had could put the skids under both clubs. It's just that the amounts involved in football these days are obscene and reduced the tragic loss of a human life into a contract dispute over an "asset". I can't imagine either club wouldnt insure against such a loss, most likely Cardiff as he had become their player, either specifically or an overall policy. But then again I can't imagine how anybody let a £13,000,000 footballer fly over open water in a single engined leisure plane
I believe what Cardiff City are saying, is that they will pay the fee which has been agreed to be done over three years, once the Air Investigation crew have concluded their recovery operation and the Club have clarity on the documentation that's been submitted from their legal representatives with regard to Sala's previous Club Bordeaux, who claim to have a 50% sell on clause. Cardiff imply that it's extremely insensitive for Nantes to bring this matter into the option now, especially as the bodies of the victims have not yet been identified or recovered.
For me the money would have had to be paid if he was still alive so why the delay now . Cardiff are trying to come over all high and mighty saying it insensitive at this time etc but it’s they who are on the wrong . For me it’s about keeping as much of the daily profit it’s making and that’s why Cardiff are in the wrong . It’s anither us and them situation they are creating to justify their stance much like the Govt calling the EU for standing their ground . You signed the deal Cardiff pay up . The sensitivity wouldn’t be there if they had honoured the contract no one would have known they just hoping scorn will fall on Nantes
But there's no real public interest in this story. There's no question of the public good. It's just Sky stirring up muck in order to fill their seedy news desk rota and sensationalise.