Just before Christmas I bought a late 70s/early 80s record player with a tape deck so as well as playing my records I've been playing whats left of my tape collection (I gave most of them away, like a idiot!) Does anybody still play tapes?
I don't, but a lot of bands I listen to/record labels seem to be releasing a fair few limited edition cassettes of late.
Still got my collection of top 20's from the early 80s - with bits cropped of the ends of records and a few words from Simon Mayo
I've still got a few tapes including some I taped off the radio. I've been looking for a record player with a built in tape deck to play them on and take a trip down memory lane. Where did you get yours from kendraytyke?
I get the vinyl revolution, especially with the arguments about sound quality, but can't see why cassettes would make a comeback. Isn't even the artwork element to appreciate like there is a with a record
As a DJ I used cassettes long after their sell-by date. But with the advent of recordable CD's they quickly became obsolete even for the purpose of recording mixes. That, and the fact that I finally got a half decent car which had something other than a tape deck in it! Sound quality wise cassettes really are absolutely dire. Do everyone's tapes still play properly? I'm assuming that they degrade badly unless stored in optimal conditions.
I've got a fair share of old cassettes complemented with quite a few of the acts who played the local clubs in the 80s.... Ive not only got those but I have quite a few lps (33) and mixed collection of the older 78 records... all in the loft gathering dust. One LP from the 70s is by Hotfoot Gale ( think they came from Leeds) Teddy boy rockabily band who worked the local clubs and at the time were in big demand. Lead singer could play the piano with his foot.... Happy nights spent in the Cudworth village club lol
I think vinyls come back with a bang, especially with collectors. I've a few old school cassettes that were my dads with 60's tunes. Reckon theres still a market for collectors (not mine though)