Or have you ever supported a team before you became a red. I haven’t. My first game was a 1 0 win against qpr at home. Think it was after Christmas not sure in 1998 season after the premier league. I have been to watch Celtic 5 or 6 times but my dad wanted to bring me up to support my hometown considering I was born here .
Damn! I was hoping this question would never rear it’s ugly head .....sooooo up to the age of around 8 I supported err cough LEEDS.... but my dad, who I have to say wasn’t the biggest football supporter, realised it wasn’t right and started taking me to Oakwell....there I’ve said it
I wouldn’t worry mate. Once your 18 your legal to go and do what you want and make your own mind up it’s fully grown adults who are the worst. You was only a kid
You are not alone. My Dad took me to my first Barnsley match in 1977 and we started going to the home games at which point I had to tell my Leeds-supporting mate I had changed teams. I was 8.
No was a Liverpool fan up until 2001 when my father in law gave me his season ticket whilst he was in hospital not sure of the result but Im pretty sure it was against Blackburn
Yep. Wasn't given any choice in the matter. Most of my mates at school supported either Lincoln or Forest.
Doncaster born and bred until I was 15 I followed rovers. moved to tarn in my mid 20,s and been watching the reds ever since ( i'm 62 )
I was born at Oakwell, under the Ponty End. When knives were made for stabbing and guns were made to shoot.
Like bossman said, I hoped it would never get asked, but I'm from a family with no interest in football, so was a man u fan, disgraceful I know... We were all young and foolish once. It was my uncle who took me to my 1st game where I sat in the players lounge thanks to Clint Marcelle, and I never looked back. Quite weirdly Jordy, I think my 1st game was the same game as yours, if I remember rightly it was a penalty which won the game and for whatever reason I seem to remember a fat bald guy in the away end taking off his shirt and falling off something... Not sure if there was terracing in the away end in 1998 but i feel like he fell off the metal bar from terracing, but not 100% certain.
No-one in my family supported Barnsley or were particularly into football - my dad used to go occasionally in the 70s/80s but was never a diehard or anything. Took me to my first game in September 1998, 2-1 win vs Portsmouth. I cried because I didn't know the offside rule so thought Pompey had equalised at the end when the ball went in our net - steward told me it didn't count so we'd won. Rest is history
Suspect like many on here I used to watch Leeds for a couple of year's from 73-75 on the tracky bus from tarn. Fortunately my mates dad was a red and took me to watch us beat Shrewsbury 1-0 in January 75 and the rest is history. All this before my 10th birthday does that excuse me.
My fiirst games at Barnsley were in the Earnshaw, Barry Thomas era. I’ve links to Sheffield and Sheffield United. And started watching them when Barnsley were in the 4th and United were in the 1st - the Currie era. Mates of mine and mi cousin that I used to go to Sheffield with still watch them. And while watching United they all knew I was a Barnsley fan. There were others watching United at that time that are well known faces at the WELL now. Spent a few year watching United and came back home to Barnsley in the Hunter era. And know Sheffield United is one of the clubs I most hate. Reasons being - I know how tempting it is to be dragged away from your own town club as a kid. And I know what Sheffield fans think about Barnsley.
I decided I was a Liverpool fan when I was a kid. Pick the team at the top of the First Division. That's my club. I was 15 and in a biology class when my mate asked me if I wanted to watch Barnsley with him. Nieuw. They're *****. He talked me into it. November 1994, I think. Or October? Beat West Brom in front of abart seven thousand. I was hooked. Quality football and old men swearing proficiently.
I was Leeds when I was a kid up until the age of 8 my grandma got me a Leeds kit for xmas. My dad hated this and bought me an Arsenal shirt for my 8th birthday. He realised I might be getting stuck on Arsenal so he took me to watch us at home to Reading during the 94/95 season we lost 2-0 and I've been Barnsley ever since.
I didn’t stand a chance! Both sides of our family were reds fans (father, grandfathers & great grandfathers) - dad took me to my 1st match in 1958 (I was 4) & I’ve never looked back