...... it’s NOT ........ ’summert’. When you speak for the club, like in your Radio Sheffield interview’ then you at least try to speak in a way people from around the country will understand.
As in "What time is it when there's a pooerk pie on top ert' tarn all clock? Summert to eyt." Al get mi coit.
Dialects are fine. But continuous use of slang can be annoying. Plus of course - anyone listening to this from outside Yorkshire may not be able to understand it. He has to understand that he’s representing the club now.
Quick heads up for you Nudge, nobody outside of the fanbase actually gives a sh#t about us so who cares if he speaks using OUR slang? He is one of us, talking to us. Nothing like picking fault.
So you’re now lowering yourself enough to berate a local lad using his natural dialect on a local radio station? Every so often Nudge you come out with great posts but they are so very few compared to this utter s**t you put on here. Take yourself back off to tykes mad if this going to be the standards you set.
Maybe it’s just the way he speaks. Does he have to pretend he’s summat he’s not just because he’s on radio or whatever. End of day he’s a footy coach not a politician
(in a posh voice)Trying to talk a little posher than one would normally do usually ends up making oneself sound like an utter dick kind sir .
Bloody hell I didn't realise just how common nudger must really be because he always sounds like a duck when he says fooooooking this and fooooooking that so that must be his posh voice.
He's fooooooking loooooooking like a fooooking loooooon ! .....................................................................................I do like his posts tho'.
Why should he talk posher? he's from Barnsley in Yorkshire and that's how they talk, same as us all in Yorkshire. Yer can bet yer life if he'd been talking posher that would have been picked up on, crazy!
Yep, all those millions of people from outside of Yorkshire they regularly listen to a radio station which is A) only available in South Yorkshire B) only discussing South Yorkshire C) of no interest whatsoever to anyone outside of South Yorkshire.