Yeah, what we need is more centrism, because that's not what got us here in the first place. I spoilt my Brexit ballot (a pox on both their houses) but would be happy to stay with a left-wing alternative. I suspect Labour will move ground (as their democratically elected policies say they want to remain) - as the saying goes "Never interrupt your opponent whilst they're making a mistake".
We know, we know. Everyone that voted stay are so much more intelligent and less gullible than the leave voters. Oh, how everyone bows to your superiority! At the end of the day, all the issues that are now arising seemingly by the day could all have been avoided if the self serving politicians were banned from actively campaigning for leave/stay votes and all official Brexit information literature included honest, independently sources info. As it stood, the majority of people had to make their decision after hearing what seemed to be biased arguments from the leave and stay camp, plus the press coverage that usually seemed to be from a biased standpoint. Rather than all fighting amongst ourselves, giving it the old "haha, you were wrong, I was right", why don't we all just get on with making the best of what could be a really shitty situation?
But why accept a shitty situation that can be rectified? That's what doesn't make sense. It's not about people being right or wrong, its always about evaluating the situation and making the right choice at that point. And things can change swiftly and significantly. The media and political parties play divide and conquer. They push what they want in a way they think will curry favour to get their outcome. Since Brexit, Farage applied for German citizenship, Rees Mogg has shifted his investment fund to Dublin, Dyson has shifted electric car production to Singapore, then moved the HQ there. And now the UK's richest man, James Ratcliffe is to reside in Monaco. All ardent vocal leave campaigners. I don't ask anyone to simply change their minds. Just to question everything openly and honestly and then make up their own mind free from bias or the intervention of anyone else. The question in this case, why would the most vocal of leavers decide that the UK isn't the place to do their business, given that we are currently on course for their absolute ideal that is a no deal Brexit and leaving onto the lowest level of WTO terms?
Unfortunately, it is now too late for the economy. Shipments have already left China and nobody knows what tariffs will apply to the goods when they get here. Big manufacturers and the governments have spent millions and billions on something that was entirely avoidable with honesty, and decisions have been made than can not now be unmade. We (the 99%) will be poorer for the foreseeable future - probably the rest of my working life and the social fabric of the UK is starting to collapse - look at the police response to the yellow vests and compare it to the kettling of the teenage climate change campaigners.
Oh, I agree that our politicians should be constantly trying to rectify the situation. To use a football term, they don't seem to have any game management at all. Maybe we should put Stendel up for election? Seriously though, the referendum itself should have been the first decision of many we were asked to make. It should have been, Leave? Yes or no. Then when it was decided that we were off, the next choice should have been under what terms, or change your mind and stay, and so on. I know it probably wouldn't have been that simple, but in my opinion that should have been the gist of it. The point I was making though is that the plan of our/EU's politicians was to divide and conquer, then all this arguing is playing right into their hands. Especially with the Labour MPs quitting. They must be laughing their ******** off at us...
I'm of the view there shouldn't have been a referendum, regular everyday people just don't have the whole picture (and I include myself in that). Politicians and cabinet have huge amounts of data and they should use that. Its then for the people to judge at GE's what direction has worked or they want in future. But agree, if the first vote was in/out... you then had to have a series of positions ratified by the electorate, with the final deal put to the vote. That's democratic and sensible. Instead because the far right fear people will come to their senses as more information and experience is highlighted, we've had this democratic block. Either trust the people on all of it, or none of it. As for EU... I actually sympathise. I think they are a mix of frustrated and dismayed with us. Its unheard of in the EU to enter negotiations without planning for it either way, nor, to then make an agreement then ignore that happened. Its a colossal mess, every which way, across regions, countries, parties, families, ages... colossal gigantic irreparable mess.
All of those scenarios of relocation and job losses would still go ahead if we were to remain in the EU. Brexit is just a convenient excuse. Even the boss of Honda says that Brexit isn't the reason but yet people think people like Alistair Campbell knows better than the guy who runs the company.. None of those would have been prevented by a vote to remain.. Anybody believing otherwise needs a reality check. If brexit wasn't on the agenda, they would have just quoted austerity.. remove that, various other reasons.. Might as well blame it on Guy Fawkes.. No it’s definitely not got anything to do with Brexit.
Pound on the rise vs the Euro.. Germany about to trigger mass recession in the the EU bloc. A no deal scenario will trigger that, hence all this scaremongering is pointless. We will be leaving with a deal, end of story. EU will blink first, can't see Merkel and Macron chipping in our 39 billion. Just listening to a business owner, saying they have been preparing for the worst case scenario fro the last 9 months which would be no deal. With this in mind, they have moved as with thousands of other business their supply chain model to be more UK focused. So the biggest loser in their case will be the EU not the UK. But people only concentrate on the media scares that they try and attribute to brexit. If you do your research, Natwest had already had that court procedure in place prior to the referendum when the whole world wrongly believed the majority of us wanted to to be remainers.
Do you seriously believe we won’t pay the divorce settlement?
It will cost our economy a lot more than not paying out commitments . It will also impact the world trade deals on our part . Just like a credit score
Just a scenario... we’ve already committed to EU spending until 2020... we leave without a deal and then refuse to pay... and then we go to the EU looking for a deal... hmmmm that will go well. As for a deal there isn’t one that will get through Parliament. Teflon Teresa backing them into a corner and then shouting surprise on the 29th isn’t going to work.
Something will happen, though god knows what. The EU have a deal that's agreed with us. Its the UK, as through all of this that has no idea what its trying to ask for. The fundamental problem now is that May is unmoving on what she's offering parliament, merely going through the motions trying to placate with words but not change content because she can't. Its just ridiculous. I suspect the UK will be in recession before Germany. And post Brexit, our recession will be much deeper. No deal isn't good for anyone, but the far right trying to convince everyone we can save £39bn... its the same mechanism as take back control. Utter rubbish blustered as fact, but contractually and legally lies.
It could be argued as many financial institutions are suggestion that Germany has already slipped into recession.
€1.427 to the £ the day before the referendum....€1.15 at the minute which is 1 cent down on 30 days ago.