What about the fact that they didn't know exactly what they were voting for and have since found out that a lot of the promises they were made are not feasible and won't be happening? Doesn't this new information warrant giving those who voted a chance to change their mind? Let's face it even if you marry someone you're allowed to change your mind and get a divorce. It makes zero sense that a vote where nobody knew what it was for and have since found out a lot of crucial information that they didn't have are unable to reassess their opinion
You miss the point - I have no problem with a Romanian or a President from any other EU country. The point of my post was that there are massive changes about to happen to the EU - (Tusk is looking to become President of Poland.) My guess is the EU will 'move' on the Irish backstop question because the present leaders fear what would happen under a different President.
I don't necessarily expect the economy to tank and to be honest growth in the eurozone is not great .out of the 2 parties the UK has greater flexibility moving forward , it's the smaller entity so it will be easier to adapt . On a more optimistic note post Brexit I did happen to watch an obscure interview filmed in Canada with a British civil servant on Brexit and she did mention this ...... https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/canada/2018/12/7/1_4209011.html I think this will be the UK s direction of travel should a hard Brexit become reality .
If I'm asked "would you like a drink"... and I said yes, I'd very much expect a second questions as to what I might want to drink. This government have waltzed off and come up with a proper **** up of an exit deal with so many assumptions its ridiculous, the most democratic thing I can think of is to assess the appetite people have for the deal she's proposing. What democratic in allowing a bunch of self serving MPs to put forward what will keep the tory party together first and foremost?
The thing in all of this is the sheer inability of anyone who voted to leave to admit this. Every last one knew exactly what they were voting for. Staggering.
Precisely, a binary choice for a non binary vote. You can leave the EU and still have free movement, have access to the customs union and the single market. So are we agreed that's what leave voters voted for? There are many who would disagree with that, some would agree. This is the danger of assuming.
So it was a flawed vote then. Do you want sausage and chips for tea or not sausage and chips? Be a bit disappointed if they served you fried tarantula wouldn't you
I don't get asked what I want to drink, I go to the bar and order what I want . We've got what we've got and voted for, it's a democracy like it or not , apart from the draws against Burton and Pompey . Can we replay them please ?
But that analogy can be used for a general election, where do we stop? A ballot paper at the village hall based on that would be a Collins sized dictionary
Leave will walk a 2nd Ref. As someone pretty ambivalent about the whole **** show the arrogant middle class remainers pontificating about the impact on the poor when they never have a toss about the austerity that killed them have almost made me a leaver chuff knows what their pretentious patronising twaddle has done to those who wanted leave in the first place.
Nobody new what they were voting for,even the so called experts, and they still don't, just look at the shambles in the HOC, they havent got a clue what Brexit will look like . How can anyone vote for something they haven't seen or had or lived, but they did and that's the price we pay for democracy.
That makes no sense at all. And you assumed the question was asked in a bar... the more you break it all down, the more crazy it is to assume that 17.4m people all voted for the same reason. As I said in another comment, you could leave the EU, be part of free movement, single market and customs union and still follow the "will of the people". So why are we following this version? And at what point are you allowed to hold a vote again? I mean why do we have general elections so often too? Democracy is saying, we can't decide, we have no way forward. Tell us explicitly which route you wish to go with. I don't see how that is anything but democratic. The argument against it is being stirred by people who think they'll lose their magic wand exit now more scrutiny has been given to it, the self same ones who were arguing for another referendum or 2 to propose and ratify, before they got the shock result.
You give choice, not an open question that's subjectively open to interpretation. Its not hard to have a series of yes no questions on an advisory basis to ask if some wants free movement, single market etc
If we want to go on about how democratic it was I'd argue that only 37.4% of the electorate voted to go against the status quo and leave the eu
Well I'm a working class remainer pal . I can't vote for something that is a pipe dream a nonsense a vote to take us back to the rose coloured 70's that didn't exist.
There were many statements dressed as fact made by both sides of the fence prior during and post the referendum. And will continue to do so. You’ve more than once posted stories that world would end and there’s been little factual basis to them. Honda for example. Leaving the Eu should have been a glorious opportunity to escape the political nightmare that is Brussels before the clauses of the Lisbon treaty kick in over the next few years and develop as a nation away from it before it implodes. The problem is that the political class of the UK serve nothing but their own vested interests and barring a few lack any ability or gumption nor can stick to their beliefs. The modern day politicians the mid 90s and onwards are nothing but charlatans who prefer hype of substance.
What about the upper class leavers that are constantly on our screens representing the poor and those touched by austerity?