↑This↑. The main reasons I've seen for people voting Leave have been immigration and self governance. I'm pretty sure that ******* up trade for donkey's years and causing the break up of the UK wasn't many's intention.
Things are not exactly great on the EU side of things either . Lots of people struggling all over Europe . The EU quite happily threw Greece under the bus , do you think they can't do the same to you ? I always vote against regressive politics .
So you voted with the DUP, UKIP, BNP, NF and right-wing of the Tory Party and in the wishes of Trump and Putin because you oppose regressive politics. Righty oh.
labour backing a 2nd referendum are only carrying out what they agreed at confrence after trying for a general election failed. Nowt to do with the funny tinge party.
No , I look above party politics and see what's happening . Things are not great in Europe either . You think the UK s got problems ? I await your replies on the EU s success stories.
Another Angry Voice 1 hr · Don't believe all the mainstream media hype about Labour supposedly changing position to back another EU referendum. What they've actually done is simply reiterate their established policy. The main aspect of the policy is to prevent Theresa May's despicable threat to deliberately trash the UK economy with a "no deal" meltdown if she doesn't get her own rejected and incredibly unpopular version of Brexit through parliament. Another important aspect is to put forward a compromise version of Brexit designed to minimise the economic damage (access to the Single Market, Customs Union, and EU institutions) and resolve the Irish border issue so no backstop is even necessary. The objective being to find a compromise position that everyone bar the extremists on either side of the debate can go along with, and which actually stands a chance of getting through parliament. And the part the media have fixated upon is what was democratically agreed at Labour Conference; that Labour would use any means possible, including another general election, or another referendum, to prevent Theresa May delivering a ruinous hard-right job-destroying version of Brexit that nobody in 2016 actually voted for. Looking at the way the mainstream media have misrepresented this reiteration of Labour's established policies as some kind of incredible shift in Labour's position illustrates the fact that swathes of the media simply can't be trusted to present the issues without manipulating, misrepresenting, or sensationalising them. But the torrents of hate, bile, and derision these media stories have provoked from the polar extremes of the Brexit debate are even more informative. If the Brextremists and the extreme Europhiles are all screeching hate at Corbyn and the Labour Party over this, it's clearly illustrative that Labour are actually occupying a pragmatic centre ground compromise position that's making the fringe extremists who want things exactly their own way **** themselves with rage. The hate and derision from the extreme-Europhiles is particularly informative. Labour's position is offering them what they always said they wanted (avoidance of a "no deal" catastrophe and another referendum on whatever deal is eventually put forward) but they're still howling abuse and derision because what they actually want is to have everything exactly their own way, and screw anyone who thinks differently, and screw anyone who even tries to find some kind of pragmatic compromise position that most people, and most parliamentarians could actually agree with too! In this moment the extreme Europhiles are coming across as even worse than the Brextremists at the opposite pole of the debate, because even when they're being given exactly what they kept saying they wanted, they're still having abusive bile-laden social media tantrums about it!
Some clarity on this evening's announcement.... This week Labour will put its alternative plan for a vote in the House of Commons. If Parliament rejects our plan, then Labour will deliver on the promise we made at our annual conference and support a public vote. Nothing has changed since conference....
Exactly, Corbyn's following party policy to the letter, the 8 that left couldn't wait. Corbyn's let the government continue to shot themselves in the foot and look more out of step by the day. Long game, all political but he's going to take the centre ground. It'll rip the Tories in half, with potential for more independent MPs. I reckon Labour will get a majority in the house at snap election, but will need other likeminded MPs to get things through. Maybe some common sense politics.....or am I dreaming.
The EU is one of the most powerful and successful trading blocs the world has ever known. Closer to home most investment projects in south York’s of any size over the last 25 years have involved eU funding which clearly the current govt will not replace. You can make a good case for it being a major factor in peace in Europe since WW2. It’s greatest triumph is Freedom of movement. It allowed a working class kid like me to work across Europe unfortunately we will be taking that away from our kids.
Like you say our entire County benefited from EU funded projects. The Tories and to a lesser extent the New Labour lot didn't help us out. The Tories wanted to let the North rot after the strikes in the 80s. EU funding and sponsorship helped rebuild, not central government.
There are some things the electorate should not be given a say in. As a collective unit we aren't intelligent enough to understand the implications of something as big as leaving the EU. Wayne in Kexborough doesn't understand anything about economics, trade deals, customs unions or security so why did we give him a say in it? It was a stupid idea which has ended up going exactly the way it was always destined to go. The wrong way. And before people jump on me saying "you saying the British people are thick?". Yes I am.
That's the best summary I've seen. Dave's selfish throw of the dice to keep UKIP at bay in 2015, has left the country in a right pickle.
David Cameron could have got elected on alluwing the referendum but had the sense to require a 2/3 majority. His idiocy and self interest have cost thus country big time yet people will carry on voting Tory. Turkeys voting for Christmas!
I dont want to be a part of a supranational federation with ever growing powers. That is the basis of my leave vote and will remain that way