Is the 2nd longest serving manager in the Championship only Harris of Millwall has been in post longer. He must do somethings right as 2 of his stars were sold in the close season Reid to Cardiff and Flint to Boro. To be fair he had turned our season in 2015/16 round before he was poached by Bristol City.
Just because he was absolutely ***** for us didn’t necessary mean he will be for everyone else. It’s calles The Keith Hill Conundrum
Tbf that team should have been breaking records at this level. Little Lee ****** us almost beyond repair that season. Not many managers are special enough to have Mawson, Hourihane, Scowen and Winnall bottom of league 1.
Legend. Managed to lose nine games in a row with two different clubs in less than a year and not get sacked by either. Should have been a salesman.
It wouldn't have needed turning round if he hadn't ran it into the fvcking ground in the first place...
Rome wasn't built in a day. And sometimes you have to tear down the terracotta in order to start again. By the time that Lee the Lion left us, the walls of our fortress were high and proud. Onwards we marched towards certain glory. Some said there was no chance. But we did it.
Oh how I wish we could be so useless as to be hovering around the Championship play off places. Anyway, Bristol must have stuck Little Lee in charge, to stop themselves being promoted as champions. Cos they'd be that good without him.