Probably pointless to bring this up and I am astonished at how little coverage this has in the media but if I understand correctly had the referendum been a legally binding one the Electoral Commissions findings of the illegality of Vote Leave would have annulled the result and we would have had to have a re-run Because it was only advisory and has no legal status there is no legal way to annul the result everyone can carry one and pretend that its fully binding will of the people
The 2 things I thought at the beginning of the referendum was, Remain or Leave I will be financially worse off and secondly when seeing the politicians nail their colours to the mast and it wasnt on party lines I thought this wont end well. The farce continues. Someone who dunt reight give a chuff and aint wasting hot air.
"I can easily post videos" = "I can easily negotiate trade deals" etc....then hope someone else does it and blame them if they don't There's your arrogance sweet cheeks.
I'll tell you what the biggest political betrayal in modern history is. It's Cameron putting party before country and allowing the ill informed to make a decision they were never equipped to make. A second referendum might just regain the status quo then you can have UKIP back and vote them into power if you want.
Absolutely this. I like the house-buying analogy. You've decided you're going to move and you find a house and area you really like, so put in an offer. Your survey and land-search then throws up all manner of problems with the house - structural issues, subsidence, history of flooding in the area, so you have to make a final decision about whether to go ahead. Are you, MDG, seriously suggesting that you'd buy a house without any sort of survey or checks or that if you did, you wouldn't want a final option to pull out of the purchase when they made for troubling reading? There is nothing MORE democratic than giving the public the final say on whether they like the look of the deal on offer.
i'll tell you why its a betrayal its a betrayal because the whole brexit mess since the referendum has been stage managed by both the EU and our own government,in an effort to make leaving look as bad as they possibly can they have showered the media with stories of armegeddon,the political elite do not like the fact that the working class,particularly in the north have stuck two fingers up to the current status quo and between the eu,our own government and opposition, they are doing their utmost to keep us in. the vote was cast and the people spoke and the majority want to leave,end of .. not lets see what they come up with in a couple of years time then have another vote,had the vote gone the other way then theres no way on earth would a second one be even considered.
Italy s the big worry for me , too much debt to bail . Of course the games have started Kind of an ironic story seen as though Germany are months off finishing Nord stream 2 ( direct gas pipeline from Russia to Germany which completely cuts out Ukraine from the market ) but of course no one will breathe a word .
So in one stroke you've conceded that a percentage voted to leave based on bigotry and a spurious idea that doing so would keep all the mooslims out and then claimed that there were some remainers who voted so for equally ridiculous reasons. Seems like you've just proved that a significant portion of the electorate weren't fit to vote given their utter ignorance of the issues. But your happy to continue with government dictated by ignorance. You must have loved it when Gove came out with his "I think we're all tired of listening to experts" corker.
Are these statements made by the official remain campaign or people actively involved in the remain campaign because I have no recollection of any of those beings made by any serious spokesperson By the way point 4 is actually possible as if we leave with no deal and dont make any agreement with the EU to keep it running it will have to close - that is the default - I dont think it will happen and the EU's emergency no deal planning is to keep it open -though the UK have to agree to the terms. Now compare with official vote leave spokesmen Taking back control is a careful change not a sudden step - we will negotiate the terms of a new deal before we start any legal process (Vote Leave 13 April 2016) 'Brexit does not mean the UK will leave the single market' Daniel Hannan, the Tory MEP who is often described as the “godfather of Brexit” repeatedly assured voters that Britain would not leave the single market if they voted to leave the EU. “Absolutely nobody is talking about threatening our place in the single market,” he said. Owen Paterson, a Tory MP and a prominent campaigner for Vote Leave made similar claims. “Only a madman would actually leave the market,” Mr Paterson said. So to say everyone voted to leave the single market and customs union based on the fact that some Remain campainers warned this might happen but the leave campain called "project fear" is just wrong. Absolutely no one ever suggested leaving the EU with no trade deal and reverting to WTO before the refendum - yet this is now a serious government policy and is probably now the most likely outcome. How can anyone possibly say the 2016 gave a mandate for something never proposed
On that basis, every time something changes in the EU protectionist state, we should have a referendum to check if we still want to remain or leave.... If the boot was on the other foot, cries for a re-run would equally be put down as ridiculous and we have to abide by the decision..
You are accusing the government of managing something - thats giving them far too much credit In all seriousness though the problem is the government didnt and still doesnt know what it wants Brexit to look like - had there been a sensible cross party debate to work out what Breixit should mean and our position agreed before we even started the process we wouldnt be in the mess we are in now. The problem is different politicians (and members of the public) have differing views - for some it was about stopping free movement, for some it was about removing ourselves from the juristiction of the ECJ , for some it was to avoid being caught in the EU tax avoidance crackdown - Its almost beyond belief that the EU 27 countries could agree a common negotiating position which they have made clear - thought did give grounds on the Irish border to all a customs union backstop which the UK proposed, but we still have no clue what brexit we actually want
No, said by people saying why they had voted to remain, just like you could pick out looneys from those who voted to leave for ridiculous reasons. On the whole it evened itself out.. You can't seriously say that only people who were voting to leave were doing so for daft reasons... You have quoted loads of quotes about the single market.... I've said we should have done a deal all along where we pay to be part of that little trading club like we did in the EEC. However, that must not compromise our ability to have an independent trade policy alongside. That is where the negotiation should have been focused.. Having said that, a comprehensive free trade agreement removing tariffs and customs checks for both goods and services is BETTER than the single market. It does leave us free as a nation to trade elsewhere on our agreed terms. SO I can quite clearly see why Daniel Hannan quoted that. It is achievable... If given the job of negotiating brexit my stance would have been fairly simple.. This is what Cameron should have pushed for, it would have avoided the vote to leave IMO... 1. Keep freedom of movement for travel & short term work purposes. Any permanent settlement, undergo streamlined checks. 2. Free trade agreement for goods and services, zero tariff basis and no additional customs checks. 3. Alignment of standards for good across to the EU. I've no problem with high standards, we normally lead the way in the EU anyway. 4. Halt any automatic adoption of EU law, that is a matter only for our parliament - Red line... 5. Our courts provide ultimate ruling, not the ECJ. None of that rocket science. It should have been easy. EU needs to reform or it will crumble, yet they are unwilling.