The extra player revenue will not include anyone from the transfer window this January. These are the accounts ending April 2018. It's the players we sold in the summer Knasmulner, Mallan, Mccarthy, Pearson, not long after the end of the financial year that are being referenced.
They could be in there too if the sell on crystallised and was after the accounting date. And had forgotten about those players to be honest, not sure how significant any of them were. Wasn't Potts around £2m and Bradshaw £1.3m? Still leaves 500k of other fees. And those deals may well have contingencies based on appearances etc.
Note 28, post balance sheet events. They aren't in the accounts as a revenue item for the year. They are noted as a significant income received AFTER the year end. The accounts were only filed yesterday, so it is conceivable that Bradshaw and potts are in there. £3.885m for the players like Knasmullner etc.... can't see us having received that much.
Payments on account for previous transfers? They don’t normally get paid up front although not sure how they are accounted for
They would be trade debtors. Just looking at 2017 comparative which was exactly £10m. It has to be a mix of sales or revenues from prior crystallising agreements for sell ons.
Thanks. Wasnt sure if there was a limit on this sort of thing. Always assumed it was generally events close to the end of year
I don't know if the accounting convention has changed at all (its a long time since my accounting days!) but I can recall things way beyond the accounting date being disclosed if the relevant Partner had it in their tendency.
Quiet day in the office so I decided to have a bit of a deeper look at the accounts, picking up on a few of the points raised on here. Rather than just go through the numbers I'll try to give a bit of an insight in to the club and how relegation will have impacted for this year as well. The club are giving players much longer contracts and this is reflected in the Fixed Assets Category under intangibles. The value of £1.6m last year has increased to £4.5m this year. This is a big part of the asset value placed on the club. If you look at actual cash, there is £5.6m. The club have a further £3.7m of debtors (The assumption being that these are transfer fees agreed to but yet to be paid to the club). Taking cash and debtors together this gives the club £9.4m of cash and cash owed. To offset against this the club owes £4.7m Given that Patrick's loans are no longer on the balance sheet this £4.7m is most likely to be transfers done but not paid for. So in terms of accounting assets there is £4.7m of cash (9.4m - £4.7m) and £4.5m in player values. The post year end number of £3.9m in respect of player sales is anybody's guess when that is up to. Given that the accounts were signed off on 22 February this could include the transfer window. If revenue from all other factors such as matchday and merchandise are similar to this year we are looking at turnover being down as a result of a fall in the EFL distribution. My estimation is that this will fall from the £8m to around £2m. This is based on the current distribution model which sees 71% go to the championship and 17% to league one. This explains the £6m cost of relegation that is often spoken about on here. That means turnover will be back down to the £8m level. Unless there has been a significant reduction in the wage bill (£10.6m) the club are going to be dipping in to the cash reserves. These factors probably all go to explain the need to raise cash in January. Even with the Championship payment the club lost £1.4m prior to player trading in the prior year. All things being equal this year that loss would be around £7.4m but netting off player sales should reduce this to £3.5m. Given relegation the assumption must be that the overall wage bill has reduced which will reduce losses and reduce the hit on the cash sat on balance sheet. All this goes to show the need for the club to be back in the Championship.
According to GG, all the players had relegation clauses in their contracts some up to 50% so I expect there was some reduction.