McGeehan has a dirty streak, so I’m inclined to think it was deliberate. Proving that is another matter. Remember Alan Shearer doing something similar when he was England captain. Got away with it.
If it wasn't deliberate then I would hope we do appeal it. If it wasnt then I suppose tough luck he got caught out.
Hmm I was worried this would happen.3 observations 1 Had the game not been on Sky and the Panel not gone on about it nothing would have happened 2. Why only pick that one - there were several incidents involving Southend players that were more dangerous and totally ignored 3. Is the onus on the player to prove innocence or the FA to prove intent. To me there was never any intent - their player moved his leg whilst McGeehan jumped over him. If the rule is the player is guilty unless he can prove otherwise weve lost him - its it more of a fair hearing its hard to prove intent in this case in my view. We can all have opinions but proving them in this case is really quite hard. One thing is clear though it wasnt a stamp
If appealing it delays his ban then I definitley think we should. I don't think the player would have been so forgiving if he had meanto it.
That one he looks like it is accidental the sky one made him look like it was deliberate and the fact they talked about it for 5 minutes. He just needs to tell the truth if he meant it or not. Big loss if he gets banned he was easily motm on Saturday.
Here we go again another decision made by people in a studio just like var.nobody knows only mcgeegan wheather it was deliberate or not.So how can he be found guilty.oh forgot its the OPINION of the ?
So now as well as being able to overturn referees decisions you can now overturn their none decisions?
So having been 'charged' already what is it the club would have to appeal. Seems like the FA have already decided that its violent conduct and the punishment is all that is left to administer. I cant help thinking if this wasn't on Sky it would have been ignored. Im sure 'incidents' take place game in game out without further punishment.
"McGeehan knew exactly what he was doing." Can you tell me where you went on the Mind Readers Course. I'd like to go on it as well.
All eyes on the Sunderland game tonight to watch out for any decisions the ref might miss. How can sky influence decisions on certain games retrospectively but not all other games. It doesn’t make sense it’s applying rules that don’t apply to the majority of other games not shown on TV. If it was deliberate of course he deserves it, but it didn’t look like that way to me.
do disciplinary actions in the Check-a-trade apply to league games too then? I think they would be banned only from future cup games and not league games....I may be wrong.
Sorry, its just observation and natural analysis without bias. Watch the actions during and after and human nature gives the guilty away. I outlined on a different post what gives it away. That coupled with his cynical handball goal and cynical chop that got him a yellow at Gillingham, and that gives further basis to his character. Remove the bias and you'll struggle to come to any other conclusion than guilty with intent.
I admit, I probably am rather biased towards us but I disagree. The pace all the replays are shown in aren’t representative of the live action. Incidents always look worse when slowed down. You say that McGeehan knew exactly what he was doing like it’s a fact. He could’ve known what he was doing and it was intentional, but nobody knows for sure apart from Cam really. As for him not saying sorry, I’m not sure what that has to do with it. Some players are too “in the moment” for that kind of thing. For example, the Southend incidents where they pushed our players into the boards, the first one he tried apologising to Cavare (who was rightly having none of it) yet the other 2 players didn’t do anything from my recollection. The last one on Green certainly didn’t anyway. If the FA didn’t charge Mings for his incident with Oliveira I don’t see how they can charge McGeehan.
Not sure how it could be anything other than someone's opinion. The lad's hardly going to say "Yeah, I meant to 'do' 'im. It's a fair cop!" It would be like asking the Russians if they poisoned the Skripals!