One of the greatest sports women of all time, and a role model for homosexual people in all sports, has been lambasted as being transphobic for saying that transgender men shouldn't be able to compete in women's sport. One SJW div has even compared her to Josef Goebbels. I completely agree with Navratilova and believe she has a right to her opinion. Any thoughts?
Agreed. Surely the solution is to have a transgender category. It is well known that sport dips amongst teenage girls, take away any chance of achieving and it will dip further.
There seems to be a considerable anti trans movement in some parts of the country and media and there seems an increased number in the gay community who don’t believe lg&b should have a t included alongside it. It’s a complex issue in terms of sport and the groups are so small there certainly aren’t sufficient numbers to have their own classifications for m2f and f2m. I’m less inclined to say trans athletes shouldn’t be allowed to compete as their true gender, but I think it’s very early days to commit fully at this time.
I agree with you. But it’s a tough call these days to know where freedom of speech ends and prejudice starts.
Thing is if I transitioned as a male I wouldn't stand a chance of achieving as a man but the other way round I would. That to me seems unfair.
If female to male athletes compared again biological males they wouldn't be able to compete so in that respect it wouldn't make a lot of different. I heard a stat the other day which said that there are currently 2,000 male 100m sprinters whose PB is faster than the women's WR. A decent male would destroy the competition in female sport and make a mockery of it. You're not saying Navratilova is prejudiced, are you?
I’ve no idea if she is or isn’t, but I’ve spoken to and seen numerous instances of hatred to trans groups from LGB groups, sadly it’s really more common than it should be. I’m pretty sure there have been tests about the changes the body goes through and the changes to muscular composition. It’s just not true that a post trans athlete has the same abilities as they did in their incorrect genders.
But they have had all the years before they change as a biological male which does convey physical advantages such as bone density.
Yes, I’m sure they were delighted about that modest advantage and thought it worth the misery pain and cost to rectify the cruelty of nature.
I have seen an article (about 10-11 years) ago about running performance after a m-f transition, and the person was not able to replicate the same performance after transition as before even with the same training schedule. However, that does not mean that they are not physically more adapted than if they were born f, giving an advantage over XX females. At the top levels though, very few men could compete with top female athletes (at any sport) so it is going to be a rare event. And where do natural hermaphrodites stand? Or XXY, XXYY or other chromosomal abnormalities (assuming they get over any physical impairments caused by the abnormality). I fully support anyone who feels they have to go through the transition, provided they have had appropriate counselling from a trained professional and medical support.
I'm tnot talking about the difficulties they face in transitioning but about whether it is fair they compete with biological women. And my conclusion is it isn't. That's aside fromy issues like whether it will discourage Muslim women from taking part 8n certain sports.
I'm all for equality and think in terms of how people from LGBT backgrounds are perceived, things have improved greatly over the past few years when compared to all the rife homophobia and transphobia that was around in the 80s/ 90s. Still a long way to go. I can't help but think however that male to female athletes will have an unfair advantage. The figures you quote for 100m shows that. To call anyone out as transphobic for pointing things such as this out is in my opinion greatly unfair. I feel strongly that nobody should have to live a lie and be deprived of things we take for granted in life, however sport is slightly different.
She’s bang on the money. So is Sharon Davies. Both have been given dogs abuse over raising this opinion. This constant pushing of a trans agenda seems to do nothing but erode woman’s rights.
I was about to go chapter and verse... but you know... there just isn’t any point. Trans people and m to f especially, my heart goes out to them, and I genuinely believe are the most persecuted group facing the most barriers, even amongst other groups that would naturally ally. It’s just very sad, but a constant reminder of societies facade in this year that is 2019.
Very few men could compete with top female athletes? Below par male athletes could. Navratilova is not on about people like you or me waking up tomorrow and deciding to be female athletes.