I suggest folk do some serious reading up on Wade Robson. It makes for interesting reading. Jackson was detained, his homes raided, stood trial, they found nothing and these two now accusing him have twice previously defended him, under oath. I believe Jackson was perverted. Strange and weird. I can’t say for sure if he actually nonced kids, but you don’t sleep with little boys in your bed, that’s just noncey. So if the cap fits. But this documentary and the stories these two are telling absolutely screams cash grab. The most alarming part of the documentary is the state of the two mothers. I don’t know how they managed to laugh and smile when talking about a bloke who allegedly nonced their child. In his bed, that they allowed to happen, while they went off spending Jacko’s money on trips here and there. More to all this than we will ever know. I believe Jackson was a perv and probable nonce on some level. I don’t believe these two blokes though.
There was also this from a few years ago If it would have just been the odd one or two I’d have probably just classed it as cash grabs but there’s been too many and apparently there’s going to be more tonight.
I don't see the fact that they defended him in Court as being evidence that they're now lying. If what they are saying is true (and I believe them) then he has done real mental damage and I don't think you can make assumptions about how they should have processed it and acted. Plus they both harboured ambitions of working within showbiz, and you can understand why they might think that testifying against Michael Jackson might torpedo their own careers.
I think you are missing a key element of the case when you condemn the mothers in an off-hand way. Jackson was a (perhaps biggest ever?) superstar. He groomed the families as well as the children. He clearly had the ability to disarm everyone around him and even make them love him. Jimmy Safechuck’s Mum was particularly plausible in saying she saw Jackson as another son. In addition they were all star struck. He acted always as a childish friend to her son and visited the whole family to weave himself into their lives. That’s one of the really alarming and telling lessons from the programme.
Completely agree. I think it is easy for people to step back and be concerned in this current climate, post Yewtree etc. but you have to put it into context. Until the initial allegations surfaced, the guy was a megastar. As you point out, nobody comes close to that now. It is a hard lesson we as society need to learn- celebrities are human too and are capable of doing bad things.
Making allegations against someone who is no longer here to defend themselves doesn't sit well with me. It should actually be forbidden to do so. There's only one side of the story to be heard, which is grossly unfair. In Jackson's case there are also financial implications for his estate, as there's a campaign to boycott his music.
I think it should be the law that accusations can only be made while a person is alive, as should not naming an offender until they have been found guilty. So yes.
I see you did In some ways I agree with you but some might be too afraid to speak out until the person is dead
Or maybe just extend defamation laws so that they can be relied upon by relatives of the deceased? That way death doesn't protect criminals but you can't slander dead people with complete impunity.
I don't buy this "cash grab" idea. (excuse the pun). If you were trying to simply make money, why on earth choose to take on Michael Jackson's family. It's hardly an easy way to make a quick buck. There would be far easier, less traumatic ways of making money. Why would anyone opt for the inevitable backlash? The more I read, the more I believe that this happened. Maybe they should take a lie detector test? Are all these accusers liars? There's too much very intimate information for it not to have happened. One argument I've seen suggests that they are all in it for money, attempts to discredit the mothers, and then ends with "I loved MJ". And that's the point - they all did, including the Mothers. And that's why they didn't believe it either. He groomed them all, and has seemingly groomed his followers also.
I'm going to watch the second part. Neither of the two victims are very convincing & their back stories are worse. That said Jackson was weird & there are so many very questionable things, like the sleep overs, that one suspects there is some truth in the allegations. That said, it is surprising as @YTBFC says that nothing was found during the raids.
Spot on. Why on earth would anyone choose to do this so publicly, knowing full well that a good section of society will consider them to be liars and ridicule them? Not only that, but why would you want the entire world to know you have been sexually abused? Put yourself in their place... would you? It would take some incredible courage, and that isn't something that is going to happen at the flick of a switch. I would like to think I would want some justice, but I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to do what they have done. To any doubters, see what you think from part 2. Like I said I had an open mind until towards the end of part 1, then part 2 hammered the final nails in for me. They are incredibly good actors if they are lying.
So a man tries to kill 20 girls in a school and they are now either physically or mentally scarred for the rest of their lives and the aforementioned bloke shoots himself as the police get close to him. We can’t speak of the dead. No justice for the trauma, just gotta get on with their lives? I know this is an extreme made up analogy but come off it. I would ask anyone to watch abducted in plain site and see what parents and children will do after they have been groomed. In MJs case he also had the advantage of incredible amounts of money, fame and people covering his tracks. Stockholm syndrome is also a thing, as bonkers as it seems it’s a factual mental state. It happens.
In the interviews after the show, Safechuk tells Oprah that he felt guilty even now doing this, for betraying Jackson. People cannot understand how much a stranglehold someone abusive can have over another, especially if that relationship has been formed at a young age. And especially if that person is seen as god-like by hundreds of millions of people.