Crikey Kec, 25, where have the years gone, please say Happy Birthday to Laura from me, I am sorry to hear she has not been well recently, I hope she soon gets back on track, she is a real battler isn't she...Graham
Sorry to hear Laura's not in the best of health... Please pass on my birthday wishes... Healing thought's on their way
Happy Birthday Laura, we share a birthday. Hope your health improves and you can finish your studies.
Happy birthday to Laura. I remember the day she left school and I was shocked then that she was 16. Well I'm even more shocked that she's 25. Time can go so quickly at times. I sincerely hope that there is some good news on the health front going forwards as Laura's health problems were quite meaningful (most likely the wrong word) for me 10 or 15 years ago. Her attitude to everything and also the attitudes of the entire biglil family did motivate me to make a few changes in my life. Nothing major but a few things. She's also the reason I signed up to become an organ donor and as a young(ish) lad still living at home set up a direct debit to donate a small portion of my wages to the cystinosis foundation (support network I think?). I like to think that in a way thet biglil family have made me an ever so slightly better person without ever even meeting them and a large amount of credit form that has to go to Laura's amazing attitude to life.
Happy birthday Laura. It's clear that, whilst your health might be an unwanted challenge, you are surrounded by a wonderful family and collection of friends. Best wishes to you x
Please pass on a Belated Happy Birthday from me too. 25 eh doesn’t seem more than a couple of years since a young lass called Baby JLWBigLil was posting on here so sorry to read health is letting her down and hope things improve this year
Mate,without knowing your story, please accept my best wishes as a stranger on a great occasion. In the interest of balance with the dog photo, please accept an upload of our kittens as I can't believe I'm the only cat person in the camp, apologies if my IT skills mean the photo quality aint that great
May I take this opportunity to thank you all for your extremely kind words and best wishes. They are much appreciated and have been a big boost to Laura. We went up to the Curry Mahal in Dodworth for a celebratory meal last night and had a great time. The only drawback was that Crystal wouldn't drive, so we had to walk there and back! Two hundred yards there, two hundred yards back! But I managed to complete the arduous marathon!