Been sat thinking about suspension if this game wasnt on sky do you think this would have happened pundits made this worse than was no complaints from player only sky pundits and constant replays ..
I don't think it's fair to say they're to blame. Whilst it's true that the incident wouldn't have been flagged up, had it not been on sky, they were only doing their jobs, which is to show the incidents and discuss them and express opinion.
I agree with that.. however they failed to address the incidents that took place on a couple of times that went un challenged by the Southend guys.. By doing what they did it has seen one of our players banned.
It’s judging different games by different standards too. I’m surprised that a clubs not taken the FA to court over it.
I would imagine the contract by which we agree to take part in the League will include a clause regarding accepting the decisions of the disciplinary panel as final and binding. Time to drop all these crazy conspiracy theories, focus on the strength of the squad and celebrate that in four games' time we will have a fresh Jacob Brown and Cam McGeehan ready to fight for places for what will hopefully be a successful run-in.
The FA cannot just pick incidents off televised games. They have to look at incidents in every game, or surely it's discrimination. I mean we hear about discrimination in every other walk of life and people get arrested or punished so why isn't the FA being punished.
All the people on this threads and others with their ‘it’s not fair’ ‘we get picked on’ comments are just embarrassing. Not saying I agree with the decision but the FA don’t sit there thinking what else can we do to make life harder for Barnsley.
So in a game with no TV coverage, how does the FA review an incident if the referee does not report it?
They get Derek Acorah in to do a psychic re-run. "If there's anybody out there been stamped on can you show yourself, make a sign, throw something."
Its a bit like saying a criminal getting caught on cctv could argue that its not fair because his mate didnt get caught other day because there wasnt any. Theyre just gonna use the evidence thats presented and available to them and if boot was on the other foot and Sky tv pictures nailed our opponent for a questionable tackle, then we would be happy for that to be used im sure. Some of the conspiracy theories ive heard are a bit over the top. Cam made a very questionable attempt at getting the ball imho. The fact that he didnt hurt the opponent is irrelevant, he attempted it two footed and it didnt look great and i didnt think for a second that was going to get overturned. sure there are inconsistencies with the FA and the way others get charged but if for example if Cattermole from Sunderland had done the Cam challenge and he got his charge dropped, im sure not many on here would have agreed and said there was no intent and just an accident. For me theres a lot of red tinted views on this and I tottally understand why but we have to crack on with this and use it as a positive, were starting to sound a bit 'wensdeh' or a bit Leeds to me.
I think that is maybe true. But given that why is there so much inconsistency from the FA? That’s the real question that needs an answer and to be addressed.
I agree that the FA don't particularly pick on us, however, I remain convinced that if this fairly ambiguous sort of incident (definitely NOT clear cut either way) had happened involving a Man U player, the FA would NOT have given him a 3-match ban. They would have been afraid of confronting such a rich and powerful club with all the media response that would have followed. It's this which makes us feel that we are being victimised.
Agree with many comments on here. But... Def differently treated if a bigger club had been involved. Plus if we're reviewing the evidence why out of 6 potential sending offs in that game were both barnsleys punished one at the time and one retrospectively yet the four Southend ones not picked up at all. If sky tv being there means reviewing decisions why were the missed ones against us not reviewed
NY Tyke, you hit the nail on the head! Watch the whole of the match for 4 assaults on Barnsley players