On reflection I've edited and deleted my posts. Not because the content isn't true but because the arguments are ad hominem and don't contribute a great deal to the debate.
I'd just like to point out that all babies are potential murderers, paedophiles and rapists. Let's kill all babies at birth therefore then nasty things can never happen. Sorted! Hmmmm.........
Right kids just for future reference, and I am talking from experience here, mixing the internet with alcohol is not a great idea,
There are people all over the Internet rejoicing at the death of a baby putting the ‘Great’ into Britain again I see. Anyone cheering the death of a child because Shamima Begum is it’s mother are an absolute waste of skin. There is an insidious and inhuman energy about this country at the moment, amplified by absolute gobshites thinking there are no consequences for being an absolute whalloper because they get to hide behind a screen. The baby’s mother is a British citizen, she should have been brought to trial as a British citizen. She was groomed by ISIS recruiters when she was a child herself, 15 years old. If she had have been brought back to Britain to face justice then on the balance of probability that child would be alive. If we want to call our country Great then we need to act like it, and by we, I mean every single one of us as individuals. As human beings. A baby died and you picked up your phone to cheer it’s death. Give your head a massive wobble, you are a disgrace to yourself, your family and CERTAINLY this country. If you want to maintain our culture is better then you have to be better. Pure ISIS mentality to take pleasure from the fact a baby has died. "He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." - Friedrich Nietzsche.
The OP has never heard of Montessori then! Environment, education and peer behaviour, particularly in early life has by far ,the biggest influence on behaviour attitudes and personality. That said, it does go some way to questioning the beliefs of those who say "everyone is the same regardless of race creed or colour". It is extremely naive of people who say you can take a 10 year old child from a war torn country( in the Middle East/African states (some of them child soldiers) and simply transplant him into a Western society with different values and ... hey presto! years of conditioning and indoctrination can be undone as if by magic. Sadly, when people point this out there are many who then accuse those people of being racist bigots. You only have to look at U.S./UK soldiers returning from wars e.g. Vietnam, Afghanistan to realise how many have been affected, desensitised and traumatised and that is after only a relatively short period of exposure to the brutality and hardship in their lives. Nothing to do with race, but environment does impact on people's attitudes to life and relationship with others.
Thats why I avoid the internet like the plague on a Friday and Saturday night .....and a Saturday tea-time if we've lost or drawn at home to a team lower than us.
Watch out for genes, they're everywhere. You may even have some and not even realise. If you or someone you know has genes please report it immediately to the gene police. Our country depends on your vigilance against the scourge of genes.