With just a few minutes remaining, the ponty end started to sing 'we're going up' Stendels response was awesome, punching the air and encouraging more. . ... He loved it, what a passionate guy he is. Best manager for donkeys years, absolute legend!
I love the guy. Can’t be underestimated how well and how quickly he’s learnt the language, too. All credit to the guy, hope he’s our manager for a long, long time
Loved his passion from game one. Towards the end of that game the ball was heading out for a throw in to Oxford, Moore flicked it against one of their players giving us the throw in and Daniel reacted like we had scored a goal, love him.
He really is something special. There have been a number of times this year when I don’t think the Club have supported him and his ambitions and then we get this FA millarkey and yet, he still keeps putting out teams that win games and win them playing some lovely football. A star.
When the club appointed him and gave us background on his experience and pedigree I thought, yeah, they said the same about Morais and his past career and links. But the difference is night and day.
i would say he ranks with the best managers we have had at Oakwell in my time of supporting Barnsley and i go back to Tim Ward.
Obviously that's until he gets poached by some bigger fish ... at which point he becomes a talentless ingrate, who was lucky
He is very enthusiastic and has a great sense of humour. His post on the players playing head tennis is 100% funny. (if you've watched it you'll know what I mean.
If Mr Lee and Co have a real plan to take us on then I'm sure Stendel will be aware of this and sign up irrelevant of who comes in for him, unless it's a top Premier side which I doubt will happen. Surely Stendel knows he is working for wealthy owners who can compete with the majority of other owners around the world and what we need to see now over the next few years is a developed West Stand, a full stadium with better facilities and bigger sponsors coming in, we need to see how the spreadsheet steps up for the championship and can we compete on the field with the big clubs in the championship. To take this club and town back to the Premier league what a story and achievement that would be and why wouldn't Stendel want to be part of that. I think Stendel comes across as a really decent man who genuinely likes our town., hope so anyway.
Loved the huge hug he gave him before he was subbed on at Southend too. Get the impression he really wants every player to reach their full.potential. He was very upfront in interview in how he'd told Cavare to play and look at how he's performing now
I guess its natural for us to compare Stendel against the past few managers. He shows more passion that the previous two put together. He has fully bought into the clubs philosophy and has trust in his players, giving chances to young kids like Brown, Adebeyojo, Williams, Williams, Styles, Walton and earlier in the cups Helliwell, etc. He has got the squad to buy into his own philosophy, integrated everyone and they all seem to know their role in the squad and not push players out into the cold. He also has a game plan, executes it and isn't afraid of changing things early and making subs that continue to attack even when the games won. Our game management has been excellent this season. You dont have to be born and bred in Barnsley to be one of us and carry our passion, it can be adopted.
I love your trust and enthusiasm but there’s loads of teams who, if they came in for Stendel for whatever reason, he’d be off in a shot. Norwich Leeds Sheffield United Middlesbrough Derby Bristol City Sheffield Wednesday Huddersfield Birmingham Aston Villa Nottingham Forest Stoke West Brom Whether we like it or not, these clubs have far bigger budgets, will pay far higher wages and we can’t really compete with financially. I’d say, enjoy Stendel while he’s here, but he’s only one sacking in the division above from being poached. His stock is rising by the game. Barnsley are being spoken about glowingly on media, social media etc about the way we are playing. I would hope we can keep him for the next few seasons at least, but there’s going to be lots of interest along the way. And it’ll be his personal career ambitions that pave the way.
I'm definitely looking at it with BFC tinted goggles on but surely Lee Conway Beane have a big enough pull to match Stendels ambitions over the next few years granted if he gets the chance to be Peps replacement he ll go but you listed teams that have a big fan base but have been a bit of a shambles recent in years also irrespective of how well he has done this season the deluded fans of the teams mentioned will want a bigger name than an unknown German who did well at Barnsley. Anyway unless we are in the top 6 of the championship all next season he'll be no good and out of his depth so we may not have to worry too much.
Why did he get the sack at Hanover? I think (maybe wrong) that he will only go to a team where he feels he's wanted and share his game plan. Just jumping into a higher league when it's rotten to the core would be managerial suicide. On the other hand he may well want a move back home if opportunity arose. Who knows, he's doing the job for us now and that's what matters.
I disagree to some of that. Clubs tend to look at the manner in which teams play and their success in doing so. Stendel has worked miracles this year. The squad looked bereft of any talent at the end of last season. We’ve sold players and hardly replaced them, but he’s created something special and that hasn’t gone unnoticed. He was also the boss of a large German team previously, he’s not a complete unknown. Some of the clubs have had trouble recently but they are still bigger than us and would potentially quadruple his salary if not more. We need to understand where we are in the food chain and not get too carried away, that’s kinda my point