I know there are a few on here, such as Tekkytyke in Italy, but I was just wondering what kind of connection speed you need to get a good, non-jerky live picture. I'm on Virgin here in UK on 100mbps and the pictures are HD quality with an uninterrupted service (when I have connected to midweek matches). Having just taken over a Spanish property (connected to cable but not signed up yet) I was wondering if speeds like 25 or 50 will be good enough. I've not researched all the providers yet but have seen those sorts of figures on advertising boards by the roadsides. Any advice would be appreciated. I know that not all connections are the same but I am led to believe that the Torrevieja-based cable system is pretty good. It's just a question of how big a package I need to sign up to. I doubt if 100 will be possible but I wouldn't want to get, for example, a 50 speed and then find I can't watch matches on it next season.
Owt over 25 will be good enough, iptv works fine on anything like that. Works on same principal i guess. Spanish property eh? Sounds idyllic, quite fancy summat like that myself in the future as long as its near the sea!
2½ miles from the Med, but you can't have everything can you? Better than seventy odd miles from the North Sea
We downgraded to 50 when we’d packed the last one off to Uni and it’s been absolutely fine on iFollow. Best on Chrome for some reason. Firefox looks like watching it on VHS through a tea-towel.
7Mb/s is fine. I used to watch albeit with a few glitches and occasional pixelation with 3-5 Mb/s via microwave to the tower on the other side of the valley which has now been upgraded to (allegedly) 35Mb/s with minimum 7Mb/s usually averages 15-22 Mb/s glitch free. The only limitations I see is at some grounds the ISDN link is sh*t. Notwithstanding the weather tonight Oakwell is usually a very good picture. PS I watch(ed) Netflix on a 4K TV with 7Mb/s and it upscaled to UHD and the pictures were sensational. The compression reduces bandwidth requirements somehow without big compromises in quality of sound or picture. I can only assume iFollow uses something similar. Talk of 20Mb/s needed is nonsense as Full 4K UHD streaming can be achieved with 20-25 Mb/s
Wish I'd not said owt. Bad weather here and also the fact that a week or two back someone managed to sever one of the backbone fibre cables taking the internet down for 24 hours for tens of thousands of users . They got it back up by routing affected traffic through "reliable" alternative ISPs but this means we are sometimes running on empty when internet is crowded e.g. Champions League tonight with Juve playing Atletico Madrid. Was getting 3Mb/s tonight with the resultant crappy picture. Guaranteed minimun 7 on contract so wonder what will be said when I complain keeping records using Ookla speedtests!!