Did you know her spiritual North American Indian name is... Walking Eagle... Its because She's so full of **** she can't fly
She s made her money , unlike many of her policies which have had the complete opposite effect on many within the UK . Look past the credit inspired range rovers and new build housing estates and it's clear to see the bare minimum has been invested .
Is she seriously thinking of bringing her deal back to parliament next week? She’s been dealt a ***** sandwich and instead of throwing it in the bin she’s eaten the fukcing thing! **** her though she deserves all she gets
Sadly she probably will bring it back as the rest of the useless tw@ts in Parliament will panic and vote for anything to save their jobs!
Sadly I think that may happen, the spineless set of cnuts would then vote for it. Bercow will hopefully throw it out as it’s been voted on already.
Why no GE? This is a minority govt which keep losing votes. Failing to lead the country. Why are they allowed to continue to fail?
Yes, and it will be voted through. That's because even Rees-Mogg and his fellow travellers will now realise that May's version of Brexit is all that's on offer. They will cave and wave it through.
Not sure. The DUP are total nutters, as are most of the ERG. I'm clearly a socialist, if you read my posts, but this subject cuts across all parties & shows how f'd up our electoral system is. We need a good form of PR, like the AV method. Parties would then break up & you would do coalition politics, like they do in Europe. I know the 2010-15 coalition was ****, but two **** leaders were delivered by first past the post, a system that has failed us.
I initially thought similar but watching parliament right now there’s not a lot of love for it. The DUP will not vote for it. She’s repeatedly said no deal is better than a bad deal but it appears that her last chance saloon stance is **** it.. my bad deal is better than a no deal It also appears some government ministers have voted against the whip tonight, and as yet have not resigned. If anyone was in any doubt about the Conservative party there it is right there.
Concensus is, there's no appetite for another referendum across all sides of the House. I'm going to watch Peston tonight as there will be some Parliamentarians on there giving their opinions. As it stands, the three options would appear to be, accept Mays deal, albeit under duress, apply to the EU to postpone our exit well beyond the 29th March 2019, or scrap Brexit altogether. If they go with the final option, the Government are prepared to put troops on the streets to quell any protests that aggrieved Brexiteers are likely to stage.
I wonder which way these working class squaddies will shoot - at their parents or at the politicians and public school officers.
She is going to have one last go at blackmailing the MPs to take her **** deal and it may just work though how she can keep bringing the same deal time and again but deny the country a second vote is beyond appalling. Today’s goings on in Parliament beyond parody if anyone wrote it as fiction it would be laughed off as totally unrealistic
I've noticed that . " Scrap Brexit all together " . Since when was that an option ? There's nothing legal that's happened over Brexit that should even indicate that that is an option . That's right , the polls now say Brits overwhelmingly now want to stay in the EU so let's offer it as an option . These parliamentarians really do like to pretend they have the finger on the pulse of national opinion , they don't . It's merely cover for vested " big business interests " . Bought and paid for MP s all the way .......
She’s got some fcukin’ front, I’ll give her that. Stood up yesterday in the house and said she’d vote tonight to rule out no deal. What does she do? Votes against the motion. Fcukin’ lying lovely person. Far and away the worst PM this country has ever had. I mean Thatcher was a genuinely evil lovely person, but at least she was good at it! Absolute fcukin’ disgrace. I’m a tad miffed, you might have noticed.
At least Thatcher had principles. They were abhorrent, but she told you what they were and stuck to them.