It's on our smart tv but I have to register online to get tomorrow's game on a day pass. Is it easy to use and obviously would I only do that sometime tomorrow?
Get a week's pass on eBay - same price. You can add the code to your account, but the week only starts when you activate it.
We've used it somewhat regularly the last two years and it works well. The only disadvantage is that you can't "catch up". You can only watch the sports channels live, but usually that's good enough.
You can buy 3 month passes on eBay usually price of 1 month I use entertainment pass for box set catch up.
Make sure you turn off all score alerts as delay on streaming,if next door got sky and support reds they will be cheering whilst you watching assist
so if someone in the know could clarify please, you need to set up a now tv account online buy a code on ebay (which is emailed to you?) sign into now tv on your tv/pc/mobile and activate the pass code Is that correct? I see on ebay that there is a 1 week pass for £8.95 Thanks
The £8.90 one on ebay says you have to apply a different payment card if you want a second pass, and another one for a third, etc I'd imagine. The £10 currys one doesn't say this. What's your experience of this ?
Dunno....never come across that. You used to be able to pick up one day passes on there for a couple of quid, but they seem to have disappeared. Someone selling one week passes for £4 here - idea how legit that site is If you've got Playstation+ network thing, you can buy one day passes for 50% off through the PS Store - £4.50
PayPal, so some measure of security. I received my email code yesterday afternoon, installed and activated everything and it all worked beautifully. It still does this morning too !! Give it a try. Then there's always next week's match too, another four quid pass.
Thanks. I'm still umming and ahhing about it, but mainly because I'm Sky averse. The idea of them making a penny out of me goes against the grain. Might have to resort to *ahem* other means.