Thing is all the MPs know that coming out of EU is gonna fek the economy and are not willing to put their stamp on the decision to come out and take the consequences . MPs like Reece Mogg have taken their businesses out of Britain and into the EU (RoI) and betting against GB economy after Brexit . That’s shithousery on a grand scale and he doesn’t deny it . Found this out the other day , how the Greeks got screwed by corporate power . BMW might leave , nissan , honda etc etc it's all you hear . Same old same old . The fear of corporate power in conjunction with government over the masses . there's a name for that type of politics and it ain't pleasant .
Sadly a General Election would do little to sort out the mess, both main parties are split down the middle over Europe, not least because many MPs, whatever their personal view is, represent constituencies which voted one way or the other in the referendum. Hence some of them are voting against their own personal beliefs. The referendum was the most divisive decision taken by any politician in the last 70 years, simply to (try) to pacify his own back benchers. It came with the promise that he would implement the result and he promptly ****ed off the very next day. The result has been that the normal business of government; looking after the economy, tackling Climate Change, reducing pollution and generally improving the lives of people in Britain have all been put on the back-burner, all for the sake of some pie-in-the-sky jam-tomorrow ********. Complete madness.
I’d love a general election with a first past the post system and a none of the above box. I bet it would be a record turnout.
You could be right, an ‘expert’ on BBC this morning said no MP wants to go down in History as the one who voted for what fecked the economy short or long term.
Rightly or wrongly, Thatcher (who's policies and ideologies I strongly believe are responsible for many of UK society's ills) would NOT have made such a **** up of the whole Brexit fiasco even if she had held the referendum an honoured the result (which I am not sure she would have). I might even be tempted to say she would have been far too formidable opponent for Barnier,Junckers & Verhofstadt to handle and as a result an acceptable Exit would have become possible. Even if it wasn't she certainly would not have let the rabble in Parliament make such a **** up of things. The biggest political and constitutional clusterf*ck I have seen in my lifetime. Not sure what Corbyn thinks he can do differently either.
For what purpose though? Businesses will love even more months of uncertainty driving the economy even lower. It is simply to ensure that MPs either accept the **** deal and leave or face months of delay with no end in sight. Even worse, we have the EU elections coming up and would have to participate and then be liable for our budget contribution in addition to any penalties fees Barnier et al can dream up to allow the extension. May now wants yet another vote (3rd) on her (unchanged) deal next week. This is the classic keep voting until you get the result they want. It is also the definition of insanity i.e. ' Keep doing the same thing expecting a different result ' Genuinely, anyone who has faith in UK business and the economy, must realise the following holds true: May's deal is disastrous, Any further delay with no solution in sight (given EU wont budge) is even worse, Remain whilst looking better option does not take into account where the EU is heading . However unpalatable in the short term no-deal (also now ruled out) is becoming the only option. They have had 2 years " FU**ING YEARS!!! PLUS time between Referendum result and Triggering Article 50 and STILL want more time. Both Leave and Remain are responsible for this shambles. Leave for claiming all would be simple and went into battle as an army with no plan or direction and Remain from sending them into battle after removing all their weapons and armour and demonstrating to the opponents that they were a divide camp. The latest fiasco is expecting the EU to allow a delay to renegotiate but removing the only threat we have i.e. no-deal. As someone has said. it has exposed the 'Elite' and Government of our country as incompetent in the extreme, illogical, self serving liars and hypocrites. NOT one political party comes out of this with one shred of credibility.
No Deal is only an option if you are willing to gamble with the lives of those in need of urgent cancer treatment (no isotopes outside EurAtom) or those with chronic life threatening conditions, such as diabetes, where the medication is not made in the UK.
May's deal will get through next week. A delay beyond the 30 June will bring in to play Norway/EEA/customs union and all the rest. All would help limit (but not totally prevent) the inevitable economic and reputational damage the UK will suffer from Brexit stupidity, but equally they are all anathema to ERG/DUP, who will therefore jump into line and wave May's deal through. She will then recover her reputation as the woman who delivered Brexit. I'd like to be wrong about all this, but I don't think I will be.
It’s a shame the vote to give the house control through indicative votes was so narrowly defeated (2 fcukin’ votes!). For all his perceived faults, Corbyn’s alternative proposals had genuine traction in the Commons, approval from the EU and did away with the whole backstop problem. I’d prefer we stay in the EU, but if we just go then that was a plan I could have grudgingly approved of.
So what your saying is those types of meds are only available to members of the EU ? How do countries such as Canada , NZ , China etc go on buying such drugs ?
No, he’s not saying that at all. Obviously, medium to long term we could get them no problem at all, it’s in the short term where delays from a No Deal exit may kill people. My mam doesn’t have time to wait for a delayed truck carrying insulin to make its way to her village, when she runs out she dies.
That won't happen . What do you think the peoples of Europe are , animals ? Do you think the EU would even dare to do that ( deliberately back up life saving medical supplies for political capital ) and let people die ? I'll say this much , if that event does by some miracle transpire leaving the EU would be the correct decision .
I never said it would be deliberate but there could be huge delays that I’m not confident Grayling’s test of 80 lorries and a milk float solved. And no, my mam dying won’t mean it was the correct decision you absolute ******* arsehole. Did you seriously just say that to me?
Yes I did . what you think might happen to you and your parent won't happen . Europeans are not like that . I'd be shocked if they started lining up medical supply trucks behind a bunch of trucks laden with lettuce and vegetables . By the way , I've lost my parents , I know how it feels . Please refrain from trying to morally grandstand me .