I think there is more to it than meets the eye. He's not stupid, he's an Oldham lad and has supported them all his life so he would have some idea about budgets. Maybe he has just decided that management isn't for him, maybe he wasn't told the whole truth about the role in the selection process. I feel there is more to come out.
If ya listen to the “on the cosh” podcast who came to oakwell the other night with John Parkin. They once had David Dunn and Ronnie Moore on and both mentioned how Oldham mistreated them from the top, just think it’s one of them clubs.
Must have been a hard decision for him to leave life long Oldham fan always said only other team he would play for besides united was Oldham.
Richie Wellens was on the NTT20 podcasts too and he basically said the same, too much interference from above and finding out about signings on sky sports news etc. Good on Scholes for not putting up with that **** I say.