Hardly a conspiracy theory when political correctness is all pervasive. For a perfect example of a cultural Marxist re-write of British history from the BBC watch the "Story of Britain" shorts by BBC Teach, aimed at 7-11 year olds, it's brainwashing worthy of the Soviet Union and almost completely inaccurate; black Celts and Anglo-Saxons, female warriors and passive men, sub-Saharan African legionnaires with white wives, in every way it's unbelievable.
i agree, , , I was always under the impression that marxism , followed by cultural maxism started on the left when followers thought that they could only change the world into what they wanted by getting at deep rooted western culture and values which would help them finally get at capaitalism , which was always their goal, The right wing politicians then chose to use it to attack anything remotely left of centre politics,these were then followed by far right activists, such as him that went on the rampage up in norway, apparently he made references to cultural marxism genuine marxists,like some of the lads that i worked with at frickley colliery, will tell you that cultural marxism has absolutely nowt to do with marxism now and they see it has a term used by people who dont like marxism to simply discredit it, in effect it no longer has any connections to it original intentions as its been basicaly pinched and used by people ranging from extreme left wingers to extreme right wingers to justify their view points and trying to pin point its definition is like walking thru a minefield frickley had a couple of dozen marxists and communists with lads who were proper dedicated to the cause
Same at Houghton Main dek there were Marxists, Socialists, communists, Socialists Workers party, Militant Tendency etc Tried once to bring them under one umbrella as the Miners Campaign Group to fight pit closures as most of the NUM had given up after the 84/85 strike. There was no chance ,in fact one meeting we had to step between a few in heated arguments . The left have always been split as have the right tbf but obviously the main media covers their agendas . The first thing the right cites is looney lefties at anything that tries to divert the proceeds of capitalism and the media along with their apologists do the rest .
The philosophers that started cultural marxism weren't actually marxist (or capitalist), they were investigating the affects of culture on political theory (and vice versa). It was used as a way to drive them out of Germany in the 1930s (many were Jews, hence the anti-Semitic connotations).
the marxist i knew told me that it was to challenge western culture and the intent was to undermine it through education and infiltration into workers action groups,unions etc,etc which would eventually lead to the capitalism and globalism that runs western life as we know it. the term has since been hijacked by extremes of both the left and right of politics as they attack the cultures of different people or races to ultimately get towards their own goals or getting rid of certain groups/policies etc, cultural marxism has become too wide a meaning to actually pinpoint what it is as and who its now actually linked to, thats the way i understand it, through my experience of working with marxists and communists If you've ever heard of Frank Watters his memoirs make good reading,frank was a more communist that marxist but he offers a good insight after spending 50 odd years in the thick of it. thats right marlon..in the end i worked at ten pits and by far frickley was the most millitant and contained most communists/socialists/marxists and these lads had studied it and become entrenched in it, funnily enough when the cameras were around it was usually one of this lot that were given air time. we were on strike once ,probably five or six years after the big strike..the union delegates had court orders served on them in the middle of a union meeting that was addressing 6 or 7 hundred men, they instructed us to go back to work because they were being threatened with arrest and charges over lost production,they were literally going to lose everything,including their homes anyway,one of these marxists shouts out at the top of his voice, '**** em,go to jail, you'll go down in histrory like martyrs,you will be know as the frickley four'.. I've always maintained that strike put the nail in the coffin for frickley as it was a highly productive pit and highly profitable,it was named in the rothschild report as one of the pits to be privatised and had buyers waiting to take it on.
Thanks for the heads up , it's not something I've heard of before though very similar to the works of Edward Bernays . http://theconversation.com/the-mani...rnays-and-the-birth-of-public-relations-44393 An article on his theory's which were very much copied by the Nazis and probably explains why cultural Marxism fell foul in the 1930s .
For those who interested in reading about Cultural Marxism and its origins from sources beyond Wikipedia: https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=%E2%80%9Ccultural+Marxism%E2%80%9D&btnG= … I have Frank Watters excellent memoirs, and knew Frank personally when he was alive. Frank would describe himself as a marxist and a communist. He also said that socialism, communism and marxism ought not to be, and never were dogmas.
Bloody hell. That was QI. Sometimes I do wonder whether those people I share the terraces with on a Saturday can be the same people who are members of this Board.