Eh?? No it doesnt, it specifically gives people who can’t go to every game recognition by giving them some loyalty points, and also gives them something for nothing by getting a match ticket for free when you buy six. It’s the exact polar opposite of what you’re saying it is. You’re literally bairning about nothing.
Fair enough but see my above post as to why this feels as though it unfairly discriminates against fans who are closer to the breadline in my opinion.
You don't lose loyalty points and the old system still penalised people who couldn't pay immediately because with limited allocations people are always going to miss out
Yeah that seems abit odd to me like they've said some games will be worth more but it'd make sense if it was 10 a game instead of one then someone who cant get a season ticket is only 4/6 games off someone else instead of never being able
No. The loyalty points for single match tickets are calculated on how early you buy them from the date they go on sale. Closer to the game, the fewer you get. Which is to me an odd way of measuring 'loyalty' when the tickets cost the same.
No they don't it means people with more points can buy tickets earlier not you get more for buying them earlier
You’ve totally misunderstood it. Having loyalty points means you can buy earlier - but when you buy makes no difference to the loyalty points you get. Read it again.
Fair enough, I've read it again and had got the wrong end of the stick! This is the problem with it being so convoluted though that it's open to misinterpretation and leaves more questions than answers.
Anybody else having problems with the animation? Currently trying through my phone, but it's not happening.
The distance/timing thing is puzzling as everyone's circumstances are unique. Are fans who live in London as 'loyal' for attending Southend away, Saturday 3pm than someone who drives 200 mile round trip to visit Oakwell from Wales on a Tuesday evening?
So on top of all the cost I pay travelling away I now have to pay a extra £15 or I will be behind others all season for away tickets. That's not great for me but good for the club who are chasing in on us.
I was being ironic given some some posters were getting upset on Saturday at season tickets not being on sale yet.
I think it's needlessly overcomplicated and is wrapped in ******** commercial terminology that I cannot stand. Call them season tickets, not reserved plus memberships. Plus it basically allows fans to buy 'loyalty'. Which sticks in the neck a bit for fans like me who don't have the means to throw money at it. I'd have to miss a match to afford to pay the £25 for membership which sort of defeats the object of getting one but leaves me at a disadvantage to those who can pay it.