Yeah I'm not keen on the terminology either. Think everyone will still call them season tickets though.
Can see plenty not being happy. All fans are loyalty but having tiers makes it seem the more you spend the higher you are thought of.
You aren't really getting the 7th match free either, as you've had to pay £25 for the membership. Edit: Maybe you are also getting the first 6 games a bit cheaper as part of the doesn't make any sense otherwise.
**** me, don't people read it all? "More information will be released in the coming days, explaining each tier of membership in detail"
What a crock of ****. If it isn’t broke don’t fix it. So some lovely person can get in front of the away ticket queue cos he’s spent 25 quid on a ‘upgrade’ yet wouldn’t be seen at say Ipswich away on a Tuesday night.
I live a 15 minute walk away from Valley Parade but my trip would be seen as having the same value as our friend attending who lives in Finland and posts on here. Any categorisation and grading of fans is dangerous and not what I like to see. It runs the risk of causing feelings of injustice and snobbery and creating a hierarchy within the fanbase which should be the antithesis of what following BFC is about.
There's nothing tinpot about simplicity and straightforwardness and everything contrived about flashy buzzwords and gimmicks. Just my opinion. I agree the scene was set for innovation but this hasn't hit the spot for me.
the reds walk out music next year , with everyone with a tier 3 exclusive stand out day glo flat cap on cheering the most
With regard to the £15 fee to get the Reds Reserved + membership, this would be the same as a 5% increase on the price of a Ponty End season ticket. So we've been given a choice - pay the same for much the same, or put an extra bit of revenue into the club for both loyalty points and as yet to be clarified further benefits. It sounds reasonable to me. We could have all been hit with a price increase, the reality is our prices have been relatively static for a few years now. I can't think of a solution that would suit or be seen as fair to everyone, but I genuinely think initiatives like this are fulfilling Conway's "nothing crazy, small steps" outlook at the takeover. We've had a season beyond expectation so far, feature regularly in the national media, are spoken highly of by other clubs (in the main) and its a reflection on us as a support and what I think is a huge amount of work inside the club to move us forward. They're giving much of what has been suggested with these packages, the fanzone etc. Ironically, my own son will miss out for the next 5 or 6 years. He's been a season ticket holder for 13 years, gets to around half of the away games, but will be at Birmingham University for the next 5 years all being well. His loyalty to BFC is unquestionable, but there's little the club or he can do here. But the £25 Reds Pride package keeps him connected, and he may get to half a dozen games during the season and probably some of the Midlands games if he can afford it. Notwithstanding some of the fair comments, let's not let an unsolvable conundrum take the edge off this season or dampen enthusiasm for next season. I think things are moving positively throughout the club, on and off the field. We've not been able to say that often.
Sadly, it's probably to do with more clicks to the website on different days meaning we can charge higher prices for advertising. Inconvenience for fans eager to know more, in the name of commerce.
Christ. I thought I was quite bright but this takes some understanding. I think i’ve got the crux of it. You have to pay an additional £15 to ensure you get tickets for away matches. Paying that £15 get you more Browny points than someone who actually goes to other away matches. I’m not sure it’s brilliant marketing in the sense that it may reduce the incentive to get next years season ticket early because the desire to ‘secure’ away tickets is likely to depend on which Division we’re in.
If you've paid £25 to start with for "membership" then how is the last game free...? You've already paid, call it what you want, dress it up how you like... but you've already paid..
Good move. Might need some tweaking, might be fine. Conway has said we need to improve commercially. He's said we are a data-driven business. They need the data on the fanbase's buying habits to improve things commercially and put the right offers to the right segment of the fan base. This will help them achieve that and some of the revenue growth that will ultimately improve the squad and our competitiveness. Think this is a really positive step for the club.
Maybe so but being a number on a spreadsheet - a piece of consumer data - isn't the way I want my club to value me.